My new toy

by Princess 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Okay Princess

    I figure you live in Seattle and it will take me two months to get to your place. Except if I find a trucker who is going that way and I can hitch a ride and I might get there sooner. Just make sure that the coffee is ready when I get there. cafe latte, or cafe with caremal sauce, will be good or gee whiz I will just try anything. I hope you will recognize me. I have a new hair do. That might help. So see you in a couple of months.

    All my love Orangefatcat.

  • Princess

    Capp, she's right. I bought it at the U Village Williams-Sonoma but there is also one in Bel Square in Bellevue and Pacific Place in downtown Seattle. Parking can be impossible at UV from now until Christmas. I'd check out the website, the shipping might be worth not having to face the crowds. We'd love to have you stop in if you do find yourself heading south!

    Beans, Capresso makes a great machine. They brew under pressure creating authentic crema. Check out their website for details. The cheaper machines work, I've had several but Capresso is my fave. You can get Capresso machines for under $300.

    Parousia, I'll take you up on that. I'll have to write the code down and keep it in my glove box just in case! I'm just across the lake in Edmonds and we find ourself in your area on occasion. Might have to make a trip soon! Thanks.

    Must get busy fixing those drinks for everyone!


  • WildHorses

    Considering that I like starbucks capuccino and they charge almost $4 for each, $800.00 isn't really that bad. Just add up the cost per year you spend at starbucks and it comes close to that amount.

    I myself would still have to opt for the less expensive one. $800 is a bit steep for my budget.

    Princess, Enjoy your machine, I know I would.

  • jgnat

    AAAH. I love a good cup of tea, and hate coffee. Makes me think I was born on the wrong side of Atlantic. It is a pathetic watching a secretary rummage through the back of a cabinet, looking for a dusty teabag. I have had teabags dunked in lukewarm water at greasy spoons. Now I just ask for water.

  • Princess

    That's how we rationalize it Lilacs. Also, like my mom said, I returned my old machine and upgraded so the out of pocket expense was $400, not bad. Not good but do-able. It also serves as our morning coffee maker which we used to replace every year or two for about $100. It hurts initially but in the long run we save.

    Jgnat, I love tea too, just not in the morning! Tea is a winter afternoon drink for me, unless I'm needing a latte!

    Thanks for your comments!

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