get out of her MY people !

by KAYTEE 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ozziepost


    What's "ARE TIME"?

    A "New System"? (are you a dub?)

    JWs never talk about the black race


    Perhaps you could introduce yourself, Archangel. Being a "messenger" we need to know who it's from?


  • archangel01

    yes i'm a JW but I don't agree with what they say about certain things.Then I found this place.

    for starters They don't even know how many of the 144,000 are left. in 95 they said 8,645 and in 2002 8,760 are left. The # isn't suppose to go up it's suppose to go down. Then that got me thinking about alot of stuff.

    second why do we have to right down/record time out from door to door, jesus never did.I thought we are to FOLLOW what Jesus did not change anything or add to it.

    Now they say it's ok to take blood fractions but not whole blood. I said WHAT. How can it be wrong in whole but not in part. Something is really fishy here.This is NOT right ohhhhhh I can go on and on. Thats my story archangel

  • archangel01


    The here an now OUR time period all of us today, get it. I hope that helps. archangel

    Edited by - archangel01 on 2 December 2002 7:12:15

  • blondie

    Hey, archangel, those last points are pretty good, and have been discussed at length on JWD.

    As to race, JWs teach that humans will stay the race they were born as, resurrected or great tribulation survivors. Of course, Brother Russell had that article about some foolishness about that black man that turned white (ha, obviously suffering from the Michael Jackson syndrome).

    JWs never talk about the black race because if everything is to go back to the way before the fall then dark skin and kninky hair will be done away with. So God thur Jesus is going to change Black people to White aka Hebrew. Its just a thought thats all

    Supposedly, Adam and Eve had all the genes for the racial permutations we see today. And really if the Bible account is to be consistently believed, all the genes today on earth came through Noah, his wife, their three sons, and the sons' wives. So that narrowed it down. But it's all there, black, brown, white, yellow, red, pink, green (oops that's not right), tan, coffee, etc. But it is fairly obvious throughout the earth, that the beautiful darker tones prevail.

    Welcome, archangel.

    Blondie(who is pale and burns never tans)

  • archangel01

    the black race

    It's true, C. taze Russell talked about it back in I think 1905, I got it off a site. In your search or sidebar type in Jehovah on the black race or something to that affect and you'll find the site. That's wild isn't it BUT it makes sense right. In the watchtower/Awake they show all different races in the paradise right, thats wrong because by that time everyone will be like adam & eve where when god said "VERY GOOD". Don't get me wrong ,eye and hair color will be different of course and tit size and hgt etc, just that it will be white/hebrew. Remember Jehovah wants ONE perfect human race, and Jesus can bring anyone who wants it back to the way it was in the beginning weather your black, red, or purple with yellow spots get it. The bible saids what it saids and I believe that. The ORG NEVER Talks about that or all hell would break loose. Whats there to hide should people Know the really truth..... besides I don't think many black people who are JW know that or even thought about it for that matter. I think the truth should come out once and for all. archangel

  • archangel01

    thanks blondie

    you have a good point. I thought that way too.... but remember HAM NOAHS SON WAS CURSED WITH MORE IMPERFECTION and because of that they would alway have problems until the new system. Look in your bible one perfect race the watchtower saids it from time to time but I think noone gets it. If eve had a black baby adam prob. say " WHAT THE HELL DID I MAKE". reminds me of a joke "WHAT DID ADAM SAY TO EVE, THE FIRST TIME THEY MET....STAND BACK I DON'T KNOW HOW BIG THIS IS GOING TO GET." from the Tastelist joke book

    <P> ;thanks blondie black baby adam prob. say " WHAT THE HELL DID I MAKE,IS THERE SOMEONE
     ELSE HERE!".IF two people are of the same race no matter how many kids they have
     they all stay within the race maybe people with certain imperfections stuck together
     and thats how the races come to be except for HAM. archangel

    Edited by - archangel01 on 1 December 2002 13:34:24

    Edited by - archangel01 on 1 December 2002 13:36:18

  • proplog2

    Get out of her MY people is not a problem if you think of geographical flight instead of symbolic flight. JW's had the same problem with the command to flee Jerusalem. In the first century it was a literal flight. JW's interpret the flight out of Jerusalem as the process of becoming a JW. They overlook the fact that the command to flee Jerusalem was given to those who already became Christians and would have no need to take a symbolic flight.

    For a different prophetic orientation about Babylon the Great check out my web page. Click on the Globe at the left.

  • Utopian_Raindrops


    I just came from your site and I so think you are on to something!!!

    (Probly been on to it for sometime)

    I have to take time to study more of your work...but I so think your right about who BTG is!!

    I mean babylon was the 7th wonder of the world....a very magnificent POWERFUL government! Isn't that what the U.S.A. is? This country is a baby nation in years and yet look at all the advancements in so wealthy too! Even many of the poor here wear gold jewlery and dress in Gucci!

    I have family from another country and the U.S.A. in all it's dealings has kept these people poor. Can't have thier southern neighbors becoming equel to them much less mayby "Gulp" more powerful!

    The U.S.A. is the "PUPPET MASTER" of many countries and peoples...including thier own.

    Thing is "pro" how does one flee ?

    I will have to get back to your site and do more of my own reaserch too.

    If ever you start a news letter...sign me up!!

    ty for listening

    bye bye 4 now



  • NewLight2
  • NewLight2

    ""Huh? What's "ARE TIME"?""

    It is a spelling error, The word you want is OUR not "are".

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