Bush not a Moron? Yeah Right!!!! lol

by troucul 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • back2dafront

    Heeeeck yeah he's dangerous.

    I think that will become more and more evident as the probe into 9/11 continues. There's a ton of stuff about 9/11 that don't add up at all, IMO. It's smelled fishy from day 1 and I won't be surprised at all when the deep secrets surface.

    Things that smell fishy to me:

    • Anthrax traced back to U.S. Military - and the issue suddenly dissappears.
    • 4 jumbo airliners all deviated from the course and made it back to NYC and DC, 3 of them hitting there intended targets. Does the US Air Traffic control have that poor a radar system to detect that and alert the proper authorities? VERY DOUBTFUL.
    • Nobody thought to investigate Saudi Arabia connections until recently.
    • Only 3,000 people died when an estimated 10,000 people worked at the WTC centers and surrounding areas. The few days after 9/11, I read a quote somewhere on the internet how a lot of people had called in sick that day, however now that is NOWHERE to be found.

    Didn't mean to get off subject here, but yeah....I just feel there's a possibility our own government (Bush) was somehow involved (in some kind of way we don't know about) in that horrible event. I hope it's not true though...time will tell.

  • back2dafront
    If u can see this and other ppl cansee this as well, why didn't the Dems take notice and say something during the past election. What is it about this guy that seems to have them so scared?

    I dunno, maybe the fact that leading Democrat Reps have a bad habit of dying in plane wrecks?


  • freedom96


    Please tell me you are not serious when suggesting that Bush had something to do with 9-11.

    As far as the towers, I believe closer to 50,000 worked between the two towers, and if you recall, each building had approx 1 hour for people to get out. Time enough for the majority to get out, not counting those that had not even gotten to work yet.

    To suggest that "someone" knew, and they told thousands of people to "call in sick" and not go to work that day is just ridiculous.

  • teejay

    Hey, Jay,

    Without getting sidetracked on conspiracy theories (many of which I've commented on in different threads on this very board), the danger I see in Bush can be seen in the CNN report that I posted above.

    Early in his presidency, long before 9/11, Bush denounced a gathering in Japan of world leaders who were one and all interested in turning around the growing problem of world pollution. Bush basically said that "there isn't any problem and America has no interest in this Kyoto forum" and quickly jetted out of the country. I don't think Bush even KNEW that it was none other than HIS FATHER that was one of the main engineers behind getting that forum together in the first place.

    His attitude toward health issues, environmental issues and every other issue consistently takes a backseat to his clear preference for the bottom lines of corporations -- mainly in the energy sector. It's frightening to think of the untold, long-term damaging legislation he is willing to enact for the short-term gain of pleasing his buddies in the fields of Energy -- specifically Oil.

    That's why I say he's dangerous.

    p.s. Yeah, I was joking around with Jason (Reborn). I think he knows I agree with his political ideology... athought teejay don't want to see nobody get *murdered.* OTOH, if he died of some weird illness then ... well ... those tragic events sometimes happen. I'd grieve right along with the rest of the country.

    Also, to get a good fix on my political views, you might want to check out a thread I started a few weeks before you signed up: not since Harding .

  • back2dafront

    could be, could not be.

    I read an article about the Fireman's response to the calls stating that numerous floors were still waiting for word on whether or not to evacuate when the building (not sure which building) collapsed. They had no idea the tower(s) were going to collapse, they were awaiting for proper instruction on how to evacuate, or even if evacuation was necessary.

    If it's ridiculous, please address the suspicions I stated above, for as I state, i'm just suspicious - I don't WANT to believe anyone knew, I'm simply suspicious.



  • Trauma_Hound

    Bush is about as brilliant as a piece of rusty iron.

  • back2dafront


    I agree...his blatant lack of concern about the environment leaves a bad taste in my mouth, especially how lately there's been very pointed material published as to the condition some areas of the earth will be in 20-40 years from now if things don't change.

    I must agree with you also that i don't *really* wish him dead, but I can't say I'd grieve over him either. It would be sad, but I'd have to say, "He had it coming."

    I'm reading your other post now....very enlightening material - thanks!



  • Mary

    Look at it this way: It could be alot worse......you could have a really masculine tough guy like Michael Jackson as your next president......he'll make all the bad stuff go away.....

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Look at it this way: It could be alot worse......you could have a really masculine tough guy like Michael Jackson as your next president......he'll make all the bad stuff go away.....

    Yeah you could still have a brain dead president like Ronald Reagan...


  • larc

    I have a question for you folks. How does our air and water pollution compare to other countries? As I understand it, there are some that are far worse, such as Russia and Eastern Europe. How about the burning of the rain forests by the locals? I don't have any facts and figures, curious if someone else does. By asking this, I am not defending the lowering of our standards. I am a Rublican, but on this issue, I disagree with Bush. I also disagree on his protectionist policy for the steel and timber industry. This policy is just the opposite of what he preached before his election.

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