Better say what they want to hear

by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Did it bother you that you had to make comments that reflected their way of thinking all the time. Wouldn't you have loved to say something completely different from what they expected to hear, when making a comment.

  • LuckyLucy

    Yes,and i did. This board is pretty much the same,if you don't say what people want to hear they jump all over you.

  • Funchback


    One thing that got (gets) on my nerves are the phrases they use like, "Do we not agree?" and "Are we not thankful?", etc., etc.

    I feel like raising my hand and saying, "No. I do NOT agree that...."

  • ThiChi


    Hey, not all are like that. However, It is distressing when you are called unreasonable without the person refuting any specific points. On the whole, there are some great debaters (Master Debaters? hehe ) here on this Fourm. This is a great place to visit.

    PS: I enjoy your posts!

    Edited by - thichi on 22 November 2002 14:30:55

  • LuckyLucy


    Edited by - LuckyLucy on 22 November 2002 14:21:32

    Edited by - LuckyLucy on 22 November 2002 14:22:3

  • troucul

    Excellent question JH. I did that when I was about 14, 15 and an elder called me up to do one of those interviews on stage and I responded to one of his questions with the fact that 'since there was one less member of our family in the house' things were a little more difficult. ( I was referring to my older brother recently being disfellowshipped---everyone in the congregation knew what I was talking about, he was very popular in the congregation up until that point, but that is another story). The elder just said, "oh, ok, that's interesting", and then moved on. It's funny how everyone came up to me afterwards, using their own techniques to see if I was 'ok'. My parents talked to me on the way home, asking if I ever thought about him, if I missed him. I said "everyday"....

  • NameWithheld
    there are some great debaters (Master Debaters?)

    No doubt, there are some great baters (Master Baters?) on this forum too Sorry - couldn't resist!

    Edited by - NameWithheld on 22 November 2002 14:20:53

  • outoftheorg

    OK namewithout you started it.

    Once I was offered a job on a tuna boat. Before they used purse seining nets. They had men with poles and baited hooks on lines stand on a platform and heave the fish over their shoulder to the deck when one was caught.

    This guy made the job of "baiting" the hooks look like a fun thing. One started out as a junior position them made journeyman but made the best money as a MASTER BAITER.

    I didn't take the job as I was already proficient at that title.

    He drug this joke out for a week or two every time he came to the shop. Lead me "a dumb kid right along like a tuna". Embarrassed me right in front of all the older guys.


  • LuckyLucy

    Thi Chi , Thank you...i enjoy yours as well.

    I take that back ,most here are great,just a few that fly off the handle. Yes , I do it too. I am very passoniate about my feelings and i do come off strong at times. I am working on it.

    Case in point; Reborn said something about people who believe in God are dumb. My first reaction was to attack, I realise this is not a personal insult and he is free to say what he wants.

  • ThiChi

    "...people who believe in God are dumb"

    Hey, are we in some great company then! Exploring other viewpoints can become heated at times. Free thinkers know that being mindful of other viewpoints can only make us grow!

    outoftheorg: ha ha! I'm rolling!

    Edited by - thichi on 22 November 2002 14:55:36

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