VENT about JWs!

by Sirona 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Hello Everyone

    This is just a little bit of venting because I need it! Also I need to know what you think / your experiences.

    OK. I leave JWs and after a while I feel great about it.

    I express how I feel to JWs - they think I'm persecuting them!

    I avoid the subject - they tell me I'm in denial. They say I secretly want to return....

    They make comments about Jehovah and the end of the world - making little warnings that are supposed to push me into returning. They make little comments about near enough every news event or controversial subject on TV - unsubtly giving me the message "I am right and you are wrong". They say "you'll see" WAY too often.

    They say I disciminate against THEM because they are JW, when actually I'm the one hiding who I really am for fear of their judgements and shunning.

    They hint that my problems are due to leaving the JWs. Oh so Jehovah made me get cancer cause I left? Or satan infected me cause I left? WTF is that?! If I just go to the hall and keep my mouth shut, Jehovah will solve all my problems, will he?

    WHY am I hiding? I shouldn't need to worry about their judgements, I shouldn't need to be around people who think they're stronger than me just because they still go to the hall. Ever heard that? "You find fault with the organisation because you don't want to live up to the standards". That is BullS**t quite frankly and I'm sick and tired of it. Its harder to be ME - rather than a clone - harder but more natural, more fulfilling and more spiritual.

    JWs reading this: lose your attitude of looking down on non-jws and ex-jws and quit reveling in the idea of us getting our "comeuppance" when armageddon comes. If you have family who are not JW - I'd advise accepting them for who they really are - Apply the scripture about letting God judge, NOT men.


  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    Excellent post, Sirona.

    Don't let those holier than thou jerks get you down! You are better, braver and more authentic than they will ever be.

    Bright Blessings and a wish for healing to come your way,

  • Shutterbug


    The only people who have access to what you are thinking or feeling are the ones you want to have access. Those you don't wish to have access to your deepest thoughts are only guessing. Tell them to quit being so concerned about you and perhaps they should worry about themselves.

  • out4good3

    I know what you mean Sirona

    The feel that they have some God given right to look down their noses while making judgement calls on everyone else and you're supposed to quietly shut up and take their condescending bull, but in defense of yourself, say one negative thing about mother WT and out comes the persecution card. Yet they don't seem to see the persecution they heap upon others daily.

    Tell them to quit being so concerned about you and perhaps they should worry about themselves.

    This is what irritates me the most about JW; their feeling that they have all the answers and that they know what's best for everybody else. I was over my brother-in-laws house the other day. A brother in law who although outwardly "tows the line", I suspect he see the inconsistincies and outright lies about the truth but has to play the game because of his heavily invested family. He was being chided, in his own home about why he should start going back to the meetings by one of his siblings and to keep the peace he had to pretend to ignore them. My wife knows that if that happens to me she'd better intervene or I'll clear the house.

    I've gotten to the point where I just can't tow the line with them no longer and they're beginning to avoid any conversation with me where my opinions about things will differ from theirs. If they're going on and on about how bad some movie is, how demonized it is and I like it I tell them. When they point out how bad other religions are I point them to instances where the soceity is guilty of the same thing. I introduced another brother-in-law to the WT involvement with the UN a couple of months ago and took great delight as he turned into a rabid dog trying to deny it. I think I actually got him to foam at the mouth !!! He refuses to further discuss the matter and haven't shared it to anyone that I know of.

    Although I haven't been to a meeting in years, with my wife and extended family still in, I have no doubt that I'll soon be treated to a "shepherding call" by those loving elders who, everyone knows, only have my best interest at heart. And the way I feel now, I may not have the mindset to contain the utter disdain I have for their brand of "truth". But I have to live by what I said in another post, about

    Not letting what other people "might think" guide decisions I make in My Life !!!!!

  • WingCommander

    Good post, I know what you are talking about. Their "High & Mighty" attitudes seem far from following Jesus' humble example. And their attitude that going to all the meetings every week will somehow solve all of life's problems are rediculous.

    I feel strongly that, "God helps those whom help themselves." It's been my experience as well that they ask you to attend all the meetings, but NEVER offer to lift a finger to help you out, physically, finacially, or otherwise. Just PRAY MORE.

    Wing Commander

  • ChakkaConned

    Just about every meddling JW I know has at least one, if not many family members DFed or inactive. It burns me up when they come around me, cocking their eyebrow at me for no longer attending when they have their own family member(s) to worry about and judge. Leave me the hell alone and go bug YOUR own family who has *left Jehovah*. When I have the occasional run in with one of these types and they start trying to discuss my *problem*, I make it a point to ask about their son, husband, daughter who is no longer a JW. I won't let them home in on me, I force them to think and respond about their family whom they've been unsuccessful in bringing back in. That's my own little way of dealing with these self righteous twits. I am always evasive about myself and refuse to play the shame game.


  • PurpleV
    quit reveling in the idea of us getting our "comeuppance" when armageddon comes

    Next time a JW does that to you, say,

    "Well, you'll get YOUR comeuppance when you're old and have no retirement savings and Armageddon STILL hasn't come, and you'll have to answer your own conscience about why for so many decades you preached to others that Armageddon was coming 'any minute now.'"

    Hugs, V

  • Elsewhere

    Fuck you JW's !!!

    I did nothing to you and you forced my family and everyone I knew to hate me.

    ( Sorry Simon, just pissed right now )

  • rocky220

    Whoa Purple V, hold on a minute......Don't you think the GB with all those millions of dollars under their control have provided for THEMSELVES a hefty little retirement package? It's the dum-dum Bethelites and the missionaries and other workers that will be left out in the cold when old age comes around...and that's the wickedness of it all. It's a disgrace! I was told of an incident where a bethelite worker needed dental work.....well he had to leave Bethel, go to his hometown, get a job to pay for the dentalwork and come back! And Dum-Dum came back!!!!! It's hideous!....This is an organization to preaches about a God of love and mercy, fruits of the spirit......AHHHHHHHH!

    [vent-vent-vent]-whew.....I feel better now.....rocky220

  • PurpleV


    Don't you think the GB with all those millions of dollars under their control have provided for THEMSELVES a hefty little retirement package?

    Sure. It's hypocrisy at its absolute worst. And the dub that DOES get old without one will be the first to defend the GB. MOO!!!

    The dental story made me so mad.

    The whole thing makes me mad.

    Vent away!

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