What do you live for?

by YoursChelbie 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoursChelbie

    I have been wondering,

    Before, while in the Borg, many of us were under intense indoctrination of ideas like; "live for God", "look to the New System were everything will be perfect.."

    etc. etc. etc. --Not in those very words but you know what I mean...

    Now having escaped the overbearing, mind control of the cult-- What do you live for?

    Do you live your life with a certain aim or a goal in your mind or in your heart?



    Edited by - YoursChelbie on 21 November 2002 23:4:1

  • kelpie

    I live to be happy with my man and my 3 stepchildren

    I live to wake up every morning happy and contented knowing that I am living my life the way I want to live it. And having the best possible life I can have..

    Kelps (remember.. laughter is the best medicine)

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I'm going back to the basics.

    While in the WT Society, I never learned how to "LOVE" God. Always had a morbid fear of Him. (You know, I was always taught by the JW's that Jehovah is a God of apprehension, punishment, execution, judgment and death). Now I'm getting out of the ORG and making my quest in life to learn how to "LOVE" God entirely (Mark 12:30) . This time with the right motives!

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "Not Exerting Vigorously")

  • alfie

    My grandkids. They are my greatest source of joy and peace. They are my inspiration. They are the future and I hope the world will be a better place for them and because of them.


  • jurs

    At first I was going to write that I mainly live for my kids but I don't think thats entirely accurate. I just want to LIVE!! Everyday its something different. It might be xmas shopping or watching my daughters basketball game. I have no noble reasons or a cause to live for and thats just the way I want it, for now anyway.


  • YoursChelbie

    Hi Kelpie, I also hope to be able to one day live with a person who will be like a best-friend, confidant, and life companion. Well....that would make life worthwhile even when we reach --inevitably--old age.

    Speaking of which, saving for my kids college and seeing them turn out to be happy, healthy adults.

    That would be my other goal in life...


    Edited by - YoursChelbie on 21 November 2002 23:12:35

  • asortafairytale

    I live for feeling my partner's hand in mine when I go to sleep at night.

    I live for watching my nieces and nephew grow into the spectacular people the each are.

    I live for my two dogs, even when they ravage the garbage, and steal the butter off the table.

    And I live for me, because each day I am taking one more day back that was stolen by the WTS, and years of sexual abuse.



    Hey YoursChelby,Many of us have had alot of our years stolen away by a mindless cult,the worst are the kids who were raised in it and had to find they`re way out.Once your out you have to figure out how the world really works and find your spot in it.You have to literally make a new life for yourself.I have done all that. The lies and misinformation the WBTS would like to bear on it`s own members,no longer affects the person who see`s it for what it is ..Bullshit!..I am now perfectly happy enjoying the company of my friends and family.Now theres Birthdays/Christmas/Hallaween/R-rated movies(LOL!)ect..I am living my life,not wasting it at a kingdom hall listening to the same tired,old information over and over,only to have someone come up with new light a few years down the road,when it`s covenient for the WBTS to change thier mind.Or going from door to door threating the lives of people if they don`t join my religion..What a waste of life..I can now enjoy every moment of life..At this moment I am in a beautiful log cabin,looking out my window,20 ft from the lake shore,in the wilderness of the Great White North,sipping on a Molson,talking to my friends at JW.com..Life is good!..LOL...OUTLAW

  • joannadandy


    We're all we have. There are no past lives, or hereafters, or better yet no proof of either. Only people that matter now and who can make a difference in our lives and that we can make a difference in theirs.

  • ozziepost

    Perhaps the question should be "WHO do you live for?

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