Micheal Jackson....in trouble!

by RubyTuesday 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brymichmom

    He may face police charges as well: http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30500-12175533,00.html

  • Englishman

    If you ever get stuck as to the correct way to spell "Michael", then just recall that the a and e are in alphabetical order.


  • Crazy151drinker

    His dumb ass needs to A: Stop getting surgery B: learn how to dress C: Stop molesting kids

  • LDH

    Gimme a break.

    NO I would NOT have done what he did.

    HOWEVER having said that, I would not parent my child the way most other people do, either.

    He had no intention of harming that child, it was a dumb choice. But the child was NOT in any danger. Do you know how many times us mothers hold our babies like that because we only have six freakin' hands?!?!?!

    The guy is SERIOUSLY messed up, but this is a case of people making too much of it. He wanted to show his kid off (albeit with a towel over his head).

    As far as molesting children, I have not seen any evidence to date that he has done that. As for the lawsuit that was settled out of court, HELLO....famous people do that all the time. What if the jury had found him guilty>? He would've done jail time. And we all know juries are capable of some stupid shit. (a la OJ).

    HOWEVER don't think for a minute that little boy's parents didn't smell $$$. They allowed their children access to MJ because of the stars in THEIR eyes. There is no amount of money that would make me settle something like this "out of court" if my child had TRULY been molested. As many kids as he has been around, there would be a lot more allegations.

    PS and by the way. MJ has enough money to do what Elton John and other gay stars do. Go to Malaysia and BUY themselves a little boy. ManBoy love is not illegal over there.


    SHEESH the guy's fucked up enough without everyone putting more shit on him Class

  • freedom96

    The LA district attorney's office is not going to try to get MJ's kids away from him over the balcony issue.

    Though he may not have been thinking when he did it, I hardly believe he meant any harm.

    How many parents do not put seatbelts on their kids? That is a very dangerous occurance that happens millions of times every day. And we are hung up on the balcony issue??

    Come on people!

  • avishai

    LDH, that's why I said probably, & yes I'm going to backpedal a bit. I agree, & have been using many of your arguments for a long time, & was being possibly just a teensy bit inflammatory to make my point that it is not a big deal, there are greater abuses, people are getting hurt all the time & focusing on an incident w/ one washed up celebrity where no one got hurt is ridiculous.

  • Scully

    I wonder if his intention in having the children wear veils is to obscure their faces so people have a difficult time identifying them? Goodness knows how many times MJ has had cameras in his face - even as a little child - and isn't he more or less an extremely reclusive person because he had so little privacy and hardly any childhood to speak of.... Maybe he just doesn't want the kids to have the same public kind of childhood that he had, and because their dad is Michael Jackson, fat chance of that happening with their faces being open to be seen by an adoring public. The veils aren't as obscuring as a real burka, and I noticed the child on the left in the picture has their legs exposed..... that's not something you'd see with a real burka. Little Muslim boys don't wear burkas either.

    Just a thought....

    Love, Scully

    Edited by - Scully on 21 November 2002 15:13:19

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Hi everyone,

    You are right Scully. Michael doesn't want his children's faces to be easily identifyable hence the coverings. I guess he is a little paranoid, but maybe he's had threats. Michael is a very private person.

    Cheers, DK

  • sf

    It is my understanding, as was reported on FOXNEWS New York yesterday, the towel and veils are to keep their faces hidden from potential kidnappers.

    Star Jones is a joke, her own damn SELF. Gawd knows what she has 'done' to kids in her days here on earth. I shutter to think. She repulses me.


  • Trauma_Hound

    Honestly, I've seen the video several times now, and I now don't think it was on purpose, it almost looks like the babys legs were on the edge of the railing, and they slipped off, because imediatly he pulls the baby back. Stupid ya maybe, but until there's a proven pattern of abuse established, there isn't anything LA county AG can do.

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