Micheal Jackson....in trouble!

by RubyTuesday 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday

    The LA district attorney says since the "abuse" ocurred out of our jurisdiction that they cannot file criminal charges (hopefully Germany will) against Micheal Jackson.He does say however that they are working on a way to .(.now this is second hand info..I'm looking for an article on this ) to take the child or children away from him.

    Did you see the footage of him taking the kids to the zoo yesterday.He had burkas on them.What is this guy thinking??

  • SPAZnik

    whut's a "burka"?

  • happy2b

    What the heck is a burka?

  • RubyTuesday

    I'ts those things muslim women where over their faces....veils.

  • Celia

    a burka ? you mean a long dress with a veil over their face ?

  • nativenyr23

    i don't get how the children's mother (be it that Debbie chick, or whomever is the mother)....can sit by idly and allow him to dangle a child from a balcony (& who knows what else that we don't know about) and not demand custody.

    For those children's sanity, someone should step up and do something. What about Grandma Katherine. She too busy in field service to knock some sense into him!?

  • WingCommander

    All of MJ's problems started with the JW's. It's very obvious. His parents were Nazi's, only interested in religion, and the making of alot of $$$$$$.

    Being alone and shy, MJ felt very self-conscience at a young age. He didn't accept himself, even though he was a rising star. That's why he's done all of the surgeries, he's still running after the physical image that he wants for himself. He may also have that skin condition that causes white patches on people of African descent. (there is such a condition)

    From childhood on up, he's been a mess. I feel he is partially a victim of his environment. Who knows about that whole pedophile accusations against him? Are they true? Who knows? If so, I WONDER where he learned it from, as pedophilia is a learned condition at times - the victim growing up and then becoming an abuser.

    This is just a case of a rich JW living in his own little "Neverland" world for the entirety of his life. I feel sorry for his children....while they might have all the money they'll ever need, they will have to contend with MJ spanking his monkey, "Bubbles."

    As for the dangling, I think he was trying to show off his child to the media, and it looked weird. He may have realised his mistake then, and quickly withdrew the child. Either way, I'm sure the Elders will give him the monkey spanking for such unholy behavior.

    Wing Commander :)

  • avishai

    My dad used to dangle me off cliffs, balconies off canyons, etc. so I could see better. Not a big deal. What is a big deal is he paid several mil. in hush money! HE PROBABLY MOLESTS LITTLE BOYS, & WE'RE WORRYING ABOUT A BALCONY?

  • teenyuck

    Here is Wacko with his kids at the Zoo in Berlin:

    The red veils are similar to the Burka, worn by Afghan woman, shown below:

    The guy is a nut. I saw Jermaine Jackson being interviewed and the interviewer asked: "are the children Michael's or are they adopted?"

    Jermaine: "You will have to ask Michael...however, they look just like us."

    Star Jones, the black woman on The View, was livid. Her comment: "Hello???!!! Jermaine, what are you missin? YOU are black, your family is BLACK; they baby and the other two kids are WHITE!! What do you see when you look in the mirror? A White man?! You all need to get some help."

  • Angharad

    I saw the footage of the kids in veils - unless something is done these kids are going to grow up seriously weird

    Edited by - angharad on 21 November 2002 12:42:46

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