by ballistic 26 Replies latest jw friends


    Ballistic, or anyone else for that matter.....there was a man from the Toronto area, who had been a JW, but of course was disfellowshipped (not sure how many times, I cannot remember), but contracted AIDS.

    The book: JIM - was written by Canadian author: June Callwood.

    It was an incredible story, well written, and it was sad, tragic and revealing.

    I figured as an addendum to this thread, I'd let folks know of this former JW's lifestory, and experiences.

    He passed away, I believe in 1990/91. I heard his radio interview on CKO-FM, many years ago. Even up until his death, he was still a staunch believer in the JWs.

    He attended the same kingdom hall I did, but I didn't know him, as he would be seated at the back of the hall, like all good df'd JWs would.

    Sad story.

  • Scully

    The article that Blondie posted got me thinking....

    Do you ever think we'll see anything like this in the Watchtower some day?

    *** g2014 3/22 14 Keeping Children Safe ***

    Because of the life-impacting nature of pedophilia, it is wise to keep in mind some reasonable precautions when welcoming a child molester into our personal association or that of the Christian congregation. First, while no general announcement is to be made, we may want to inform one of the elders in the congregation of the situation so that he would be prepared to give a kind and appropriate response to any who may inquire about the matter.

    The prudent child molester needs to realize that others are sensitive about their tendencies. Therefore, out of respect for the feelings of those who want to be of assistance, it would be better for the child molester not to initiate public displays of affection such as hugging and kissing. Even if there is little or no possibility that such gestures could communicate their tendencies, this restraint will show that the child molester is considerate of others, thus engendering similar consideration in return.


    Realizing that many have fears of the unknown, the child molester should not be quick to take offense if he or she is not invited to private homes right away or if it seems that a parent restricts a child from being in close contact with him or her. And if one of the Congregation Book Studies is held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, it may be wise for a child molester to choose to attend there, rather than in a private home, unless that one has discussed the situation with the householder.

    Another situation in which an innocent person could become impacted is by unknowingly marrying someone who is a child molester. The need for caution in such circumstances may be particularly necessary if someone had been an active child molester prior to coming to an accurate knowledge of God’s Word. Since there is a growing number of people who are remarrying after a divorce and bringing their children into a new relationship, it would not be improper for an individual or for caring parents to do a background check of the prospective mate prior to engagement or marriage. Because of the devastating, permanently harmful nature of child molestation, a potential marriage partner should not take offense if that request is made.


    Love, Scully

  • Scully

    Good Morning Ray

    I remember seeing an interview with "Jim" on Canada AM, gosh it would have been 87-88. Being stuck in the JW mindset didn't help me understand his point of view at all - the "abomination" of being gay and all... and of course, the WTS's "admonition" that being gay = AIDS = dead meat just reinforced some nasty prejudices.

    I'm so glad to know his experiences are documented somewhere. They will be so helpful to lots of people. I'll see if I can find the book somewhere.

    Love, Scully

  • SYN

    Hi Black Sheep,

    What you said makes very little difference to the people living here.

    Thousands are dying - it's the worst thing you can possibly imagine.

    The situation has worsened since I made my last post on this thread, too. Recently there was a program on TV here that dealt with the issue of the cities running out of graves, and since very few people choose to cremate their loved ones, the problem is becoming worse and worse.

    While some might argue about the exact nature of the HI virus, and the results of getting it, you can't ignore the fact that our graveyards are almost full.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Syn,

    Nice to meet you, so to speak.

    The following exerpt from Rian Malan's article "AIDS IN AFRICA, In Search of the Truth", Rolling Stone Magazine, 22 Nov. 2001 is from SA not Togo and how closely it parallels the situation there I do not know.

    Going by the last comment of this excerpt I would be a little reluctant to accept your local rags as being reliable sources of AIDS statistics.

    You can theorize at will about the rest of Africa and nobody will ever be the wiser, but my homeland is different - we are a semi-industrialized nation with a respectable statistical service. "South Africa," says Ian Timaeus, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine professor and UNAIDS consultant "is the only country in sub-Saharan Africa where sufficient deaths are routinely registered to attempt to produce national estimates of mortality from this source." He adds that, "coverage is far from complete," but there's enough of it to be useful - around eight of ten deaths are routinely registered in South Africa, according to Timaeus, compared to about 1 in 100 elsewhere below the Sahara.

    It therefore seemed to me that checking the number of registered deaths in South Africa was the surest way of assessing the statistics from Geneva, so I dug out the figures. Geneva's computer models suggested that AIDS deaths here had tripled in three years, surging from 80,000-odd in 1996 to 250,000 in 1999. But no such rise was discernable in total registered deaths, which went from 294,703 to 343,535 within roughly the same period. The discrepancy was so large that I wrote to make absolutely sure I had understood these numbers correctly. Both parties confirmed that I had, and at that exact moment, my story was in trouble. Geneva's figures reflected catastrophe. Pretoria's figures did not. Between these extremes lay a gray area populated by local experts such as Stephen Kramer, manager of insurance giant Metropolitan's AIDS Research Unit, whose own computer model shows AIDS deaths at about one-third Geneva's estimates. But so what? South African actuaries don't get a say in this debate. The figures you see in your newspapers come from Geneva. The WHO takes pains to label these numbers estimates only, not rock-solid certainties, but still, these are estimates we all accept as the truth.

    But you don't want to hear this, do you? Nor did I. It spoiled the plot, so I tried to ignore it. Since it was indeed true that the very large numbers of South Africans were dying, then the nation's coffin makers had to be laboring hard to keep pace with growing demand. One newspaper account I found told of a company called Affordable Coffins, purveyor of cheap cardboard caskets, which had more orders than it could fill. But the firm was barely two months old when the story ran, and two rival entrepreneurs who launched similar products a few years back had gone under. "People weren't interested." said a dejected Mr. Rob Whyte. "They wanted coffins made of real wood."

    So I called the real-wood firms, three industrialists who manufactured coffins on an assembly line for the national market. "It's quiet," said Kurt Lammerding of GNG Pine Products. His competitors concurred - business was dead, so to speak.

    "It's a fact," said Mr. A. B. Schwegman of B&A Coffins. "If you go on what you read in the papers, we should be overwhelmed, but there's nothing. So what's going on? You tell me."

    You can tell me too, if you know the answer, but dont bother looking in the WTBTS literature for it as they only ever publish opinions that back up their claim that the end is nigh.

    ...and they don't seem too fussy who they get those opinions from.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Just looked up UNICEF stats for Togo

    Crude death rate 1970, 21/1000, 2001, 13/1000

    Doesn't sound like a rise to me.

    Would anyone please like to explain how TV docos are able to claim impending disaster while the crude death rate is dropping.

  • Scully

    ::: nudges Black Sheep :::

    Not everyone around here correctly discloses their location....

    Love, Scully

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