What is the WORST job you ever had?

by gilwarrior 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • gilwarrior

    Yes, more fluff!

    Well my worst two jobs had to be when I lived in Mexico about three years ago. I got a job as a telemarketer. Try to imagine listening to people yell and scream at you for six hours a day. I really hated it! I don't know what I was thinking. After two weeks I was let go because my sales were poor. That was fine by me.

    My next job had to be the second worse job I've had. I worked as a waiter. The pay was crappy and I couldn't deal well with customers. I left after a month.

  • unclebruce

    regular pioneer .. nah that wasn't so bad. At least it had some dignity and i got to travel and wear clean clothes.

    home insulation layer .. now that wasn't very nice .. up in hot dusty roofs spreading itchy insulation batts in mid-summer south australia. 100degrees plus and perspiring like an arab .. made plumbing seem easy!


  • Bendrr

    Try to imagine listening to people yell and scream at you for six hours a day

    Funny you should mention that, Gil. One called Saturday evening while I was trying to watch a movie. I didn't think they were supposed to call on weekends. I cut the poor sap off and yelled "DO YOU KNOW WHAT FU**ING DAY IT IS AND WHAT FU**ING TIME IT IS? DON'T EVER CALL ME ON A FU**ING WEEKEND....." and went on from there dropping a few more F-bombs and calling him a few choice names until he hung up on me.

    Worst job.....

    Once when I was really down and out, living at a friend's apartment, sleeping in his utility closet, riding an old motorcycle to work in the cold of winter, I worked at a convenience store. Night shift. Minimum wage, locked into 40 hours or less a week. The district manager really had it in for me too. She'd park her minivan in the pecan orchard across the road and watch me with binoculars to make sure I worked all night. I got smart to that real quick. My cousin would come by every night to visit and hang out and knew to look for her. If Gail was on watch, he'd just come in and buy a coke and leave. Then I'd bust my ass mopping, stocking, washing windows, the store'd be sparkling. When I knew she was getting really tired of sitting there I'd go to the window and wave at her. A couple of times I had my cousin call the cops to report her surveillance as a "suspicious vehicle" and that was always good for a few laughs cause the cops knew me and looked out for me and they all thought she was a bitch too. She always knew I knew she was out there but never figured out how. Finally she framed me for theft and fired me. Now I make more money (lots!) than she does so it's even more funny.


    Edited by - bendrr on 18 November 2002 19:27:23

  • Shutterbug

    Compared to my current job, retirement, all my previous jobs were horrible. I would go back to work, if the money was right, but the boss sure better treat me nice.

  • blondie

    Cleaning out a cow barn.


  • hamptonite21


  • blondie

    That's right, hampton, at least I got paid for shoveling s**t.


  • garybuss

    Eh? Worse job? . . . . Unpaid religious literature sales. No question!


  • Mary

    I worked in a cream-cheese factory for one whole week. I now know what hell is like.

    You stand in a line waiting for the hot cream cheese to blob down, then you had to pick it up and wrap it. You had celaphane gloves on, which just made it hotter and hotter till you could barely stand it. I complained to the foreman who did absolutely nothing about it.

    Anyway, after our "break", *when I seriously considered running out the door and never coming back), me and this 60 year old man had to lug these 30 lb. boxes of cream cheese that hadn't "processed" right, up these metal stairs, and empty them back into the huge boiling pots to be processed again. You'd get splashed with boiling hot cream cheese and scream your head off.........not that anybody gave a damn.

    I still shudder when I think about it.

  • joannadandy

    I guess I have been really lucky, I have liked all my jobs. Even working in a convience store was fun. I got to harass the drunks through the cooler by making them think their soda was talking to them.

    I personally think that's the key (most of the time) if you can just find something positive about your job you can get through anything.

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