Photoshop Fun

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Does anyone know anything about Adobe Photoshop? Well, you can do alot with this tool. Actually you can modify all kinds of pictures you have in your computer. You can make a person look younger by hiding his wrinkles. You can change the color of the eyes of a person, and so much more. I wanted to show you what you can do with a little immagination. I hope you don't mind that I set fire to the Watchtower Headquarters.

    What are your favorite pass times, besides being on the computer that you would like to share with us.

  • LB

    Turn around is fair play. They're always burning buildings on the covers of their magazines.

  • Dutchie

    JH, is it a free program?

  • ballistic

    YOu've posted a picture using the URL from the strike 9 "thumnails" directory. Go to strike 9, click on the picture to enlarge it, then edit your post to the URL of the full size picture.

    I must stop doing this.

  • JH


    No it's not free. Far from. It costs about 1000$. this a professional series. I had it free. And if you would live around here (Trois-Rivieres,Quebec,Canada) I would install it free on your computer.

  • ballistic

    1000$??? I have a copy I could post to my web site with a registration number if anyone wants it. It you just want a trial though, download Paintshop from

  • JH


    I am talking canadian money now. Just Eye Candy costs a bundle. This is a pro. series also. You can get some much cheaper naturally. I was lucky enough to have this version. Like I said, I had it for free. I knew someone who made me a copy.

  • JH

    You can also join friends together on one page.

  • Dutchie

    Cool, John.

    Edited by - Dutchie on 17 November 2002 20:53:32

  • JH

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