Information Suckers

by Satanus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • outcast

    Big F-ing deal,

    This award given from a thing who wouldn't know a answer if it bit him in the........?

  • onacruse

    SS: I agree. That's why I post only what I would be willing to say in a court of law, if it came down to it. Speaking the truth is always a proper defense.

    minimus: So now you are handing out awards? Give me a break.


  • minimus

    outcast, READ the original post to get your answer. I know you can figure it out. And if you do, you'll get a special award, too.

  • outcast

    Oh you mean I have to read all the posts mini?

    Can I wear your special helmet?

  • Satanus

    Thanks for the comments.

    In anticipation of possible problems around y2k, the fbi did a study on non-mainstream religious groups in the US. It was called the megiddo report. In 1999, it was distributed to law enforcements. This is still available at the govt printing office site @ It's interesting reading.

    Of course, in doing this, the govt was only doing it's job. It's job is to keep order. To keep order, it needs info. Strategically scanning internet discussion groups would seem to me, to be an easy way to get a feel for what is going on. Doing so strategically, it could ignore subjects of nonimportance and focus on only those it considered significant. That the fbi put in months of work on the megiddo report shows that the govt has an interest in this area. That it made that document public is an indicator that the fbi, or other agencies likely has stuff on groups that they keep to themselves. Discussion group scanning would also be useful for guys trying to get elected.

    I read that people on the net are those who are better educated. Since trends trickle down from them, it's a good barometer.

    It's doubtful that we as xjw's are that important, certainly no threat. But we are a good source of news of what is going on inside the wt.

    I meant my thread to apply to discussion groups in general.

    As i wrote, ad agencies and corporations would also have an interest.

    More comments??

    Minimus, Yah sure, you get others to bare their souls, yet you often don't give your own opinions to your own questions.

    Farker, You're a mainstream guy, anyway, so you don't have anything to worry about.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 18 November 2002 3:51:8

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Personally I believe that those really running the show will continue thier assault upon freedom. I also believe that when THEY decided to take a particular course of action against any individual, for whatever reason, one of the first things they take is the computer. They want to retrieve anything you've ever said to anyone.

    With this phoney hate speech and hate laws, anything goes - and it goes against the citizen. Hell, I'm beginning to dislike using the word citizen because even in law that carries an entirely different meaning then we've been lead to believe...damn politicians!

    No, I don't have an immediate source handy, but apparently since the early 1930's, we who consider ourselves "citizen" of USA have really been listed as "enemies of the State." That's pretty heavy duty stuff to think about. And there are concentration camps in this country. For what purpose?

    So, do I think anything is possible? Yes. To what extreme they will go to is anyone's guess though. I don't think we have too look hard to see just what this global agenda consist of; and draw one's own conclusion.


  • Robdar
    Minimus, Yah sure, you get others to bare their souls, yet you often don't give your own opinions to your own questions

    SS is right, Minimus,

    You rarely offer information about yourself in these posts, you have no bio, your email is locked and you seem to have all the latest WT and Awake magazines. You also stated that in over 4 decades of being a JW you have gotten to know many prominent elders and Bethelites. I must admit, it has caused me to wonder if you are still a witness or not. How come you want all this information anyway?

    Whereas I am fairly certain that you are harmless, your unwillingness to give out personal information while you dig through ours, has caused me to be very careful about which posts of yours I respond to. Not because I am afraid of the society but because if a stranger started asking me some of the questions that you ask, in such rapid succession, I would think that they are rude, and overly nosey.


  • Satanus


    Concentration camps in the usa? Can you say where?


  • minimus

    If you've read the posts that I've commented on, you will see quite a lot about me. I still go to some meetings. My family is now partially in. If you think anyone's questions are too intrusive, I wouldn't comment on them either. IMO, a personal bio does not prove anything. As a matter of fact, anyone can dream up anything they want and call it their bio where they are sharing with the world their whole life.But it may be exaggerated or untrue. I have given more personal opinions in my threads after this was brought up by Blondie. I prefer not to usually state my opinion immediately. I hope this may answer some of your questions. If it doesn't, oh well.....p.s. I'm glad my email's locked, especially after reading some of the spam and the nastiness that can go on here.

  • Robdar
    anyone can dream up anything they want and call it their bio where they are sharing with the world their whole life.But it may be exaggerated or untrue


    You make a good point. Sorry, I missed the thread where Blondie brought up the subject of you withholding information.

    I'm glad my email's locked, especially after reading some of the spam and the nastiness that can go on here.

    Yes, there has been some nastiness. But, so far, I have not been spammed. You are fairly innocuous, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.


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