Is It Time to regroup?

by John Aquila 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • konceptual99
    Just thought as well... what are the chances of the Bethel heavies turning up for their testimony next week with some policy changes in hand?
  • Viviane
    On the turning away
    From the pale and downtrodden
    And the words they say
    Which we won't understand
    "Don't accept that what's happening
    Is just a case of others' suffering
    Or you'll find that you're joining in
    The turning away"
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Watchtower has a much, much bigger problem on its hands than what we see going on in Australia. Unfortunately for Watchtower in a court document filed May 23, 2012 the Watchtower organization made an admission in writing that, given the current environment, is sure to cause considerable issues.

    In this document Watchtower admits that were it to supply information in its database about allegations and victims of sexual molestation of children reported by its appointed elders in the United States, Watchtower "would be forced to defend themselves against claim after claim originating from the different corners of the nation during the past twenty years."

    I've not heard much about this document, but now it's sure to get some attention. With this document we have an admission from Watchtower that it has a virtual boatload of names in its database of child molestors that, until now, have gone unreported.

    Here: Watchtower's Database — What is the real fear?

    Make no mistake. In Watchtower-land pedophiles are literally everywhere, and they're not being reported!

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Option 1 - they do nothing, just wait for the findings of the Commission and then spin it on the basis that most of the R&F will stay loyal and the public have short memories.

    Option one sounds about right.

  • elderINewton
    Konceptuals Option 1is probably the current MO.

    A lot will be riding on what happens with the Bethel heavyweights, and if the US media really pumps it.

    I was thinking that maybe they might address it in the August broadcast, but its probably already complete. So maybe something or nothing in September. Just depends on how big the rabbit hole goes.

  • Bonsai

    The (k)GB already knew this was going to happen, which is why in the July broadcast Lett said it was all apostate driven lies. It was said preemptively to attack the integrity of the royal commission hearing. I hope they use Lett's soundbite in the hearings next week.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    The (k)GB already knew this was going to happen, which is why in the July broadcast Lett said it was all apostate driven lies. It was said preemptively to attack the integrity of the royal commission hearing. I hope they use Lett's soundbite in the hearings next week

    I figure the GB is watching the news very carefully every single day. Even though they might be preparing in one way or another to refute everything being done by the commission, at the same time, they probably can't sleep very well at night because they can see the writing on the wall. This is just the beginning of being exposed, and they know more is coming. Remember Bill Cosby?

  • konceptual99
    The (k)GB already knew this was going to happen, which is why in the July broadcast Lett said it was all apostate driven lies. It was said preemptively to attack the integrity of the royal commission hearing. I hope they use Lett's soundbite in the hearings next week.

    Sure they knew this was happening. I am not convinced they had any idea the Commission would make all the witnesses so far look like such a bunch of utterly clueless and spineless chumps.

    The real kicker is that not that much materially has changed. Sure the turd has been polished over the years but there is a hell of a lot that remains:

    • accused facing the accuser
    • male only questionings with no supporter or advocate for the victim
    • two witnesses before any JC action can be taken
    • no positive, pro-active support for, let alone unilateral mandatory, reporting
    • possibility of abusers being appointed to positions of privilege possibility of an abuser being in a congregation with no or limited knowledge by members of the congregation
    • possibility of a victim being, even unintentionally, influenced not to go to the authorities or being concerned about slander should they speak out
    • elders being unable to act on conscience but rather having to defer to Bethel at all stages

    So much of what contributed to piss poor handling of cases 20, 30, 40 years ago has not really changed. The usual course of action would be to ride it out but I have a suspicion that there will be some people giving the GB advice to the effect of doing some things voluntarily asap rather than having it forced on them.

    The GB does not need precedents for legal action and costly payouts but it also needs to nip this in the bud and prevent other countries grabbing them by the balls. Too much of this and the next question to be asked will be about tax status, charitable status and community good.

    In the meantime I bet they are moving funds around legal entities like there's no tomorrow in an effort to plead poverty just in case the litigation balloon goes up.

  • CalebInFloroda

    They will keep quiet for now is my best guess.

    But this was a bombshell. I mentioned it on another post that this was like the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Imperialist Japan. No surrender yet despite horrible casualties.

    Something else will happen, either related to this or something else that will tip the scale that is already beginning to go down that will act like the bombing of Nagasaki. Then they will wake up, but only because this next strike will add too much destruction to ignore.

  • CalebInFloroda
    Post script: I want to clarify the "wake up" statement. I don't mean they will all admit that they are wrong. What I mean is that something will finally have to give and they won't be able to ignore this or what is happening to their "spiritual paradise" any longer due to so much loss.

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