How to Raise the Perfect Watchtower Family

by metatron 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • guanash

    not to cooperate with surveys? what surveys? can you post a link for me to inform myself?

  • Mary

    Excellent post! And so true, it's scary............couple of points you could add to make it a TRULY perfect JW family:

    - Make sure you marry right out of high school; the girl should be no older than 18 or 19 years old (older than that, and you're practically an old maid), and the guy either the same age or 1 - 2 years olders. This will ensure that neither of them will get a decent education if they marry right out of school.

    - Strongly discourage your wife from working unless it's absolutely essential to pay the rent. Even then, make sure the work is either house cleaning, working in a restaurant or a mall or babysitting someone else's kid in the Hall. That way, when she wakes up and realizes that she married too young and has a dead-end future, it'll be virtually impossible for her to leave, as she has no education, no computer skills or any other skills to land a decent job. Thus she will be forced to remain in the marriage, giving the statistical impression that JWs marriages are happier than "worldly people."

    - The husband should only get a job either painting, cleaning, or something in construction. Anything else, and you're getting "puffed up" with knowledge. And knowledge is bad, very, very bad..............

    - Pop out a couple of kids that you can't afford. This will ensure the happy Dub family even further.

    - Become a closet alcoholic like most others in the Hall.

  • minimus

    WHOO MARY....that was GOOD!!! You're right about paying the RENT, not the mortgage. JW"s really shouldn't be able to afford owning a house. And become a closet nailed this one!

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