How to Raise the Perfect Watchtower Family

by metatron 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    First, get a wife and some kids ( hold your marriage together as best you can)

    Then, impose rules that are practically impossible to follow
    ( no masturbation, no unmonitored internet use, 5 meetings a week,
    plus family Bible study, no dating, no worldly association)

    Then remove every creative outlet and replace them with attempts at door to door
    magazine sales

    Then throw in ubiquitous temptations ( internet porn, video games, drugs)

    Then achieve emotional collapse after you are surprized by their double life/
    pregnancy/weed smoking/total cynicism/running away from home/ getting arrested

    Then call the elders in and 'lay down the law' in a futile attempt to control
    the situation.

    Have everything fall apart, get your kid df'd with few career prospects,
    cut off from all social contacts they grew up with

    then ( choose one)

    a) save your ego and self respect and tell everyone "Satan did it, I'm so glad
    the End is soon."


    b) honesty realize you've been scamed by a group of 25-30 elderly con artists
    who have no experience in raising a family or children, whose only goal
    is the preservation of their position in a bureaucratically cold religion.

    Witness parents lurking here?
    Have a Nice Day!


  • Bob_NC

    You said it right dude. I've seen it so many times.

  • Eric

    Useful hint to achieving all the above:

    Conciously arrest your awareness of developments in the world around you at about the year 1952. This will allow you to more keenly appreciate the perspective of the old men in Brooklyn.


  • Jesika

    Well said met!!!! *clapping hands* BRAVO, BRAVO!!!!

  • cruzanheart

    You forgot to mention: Make your family dress like a bad 1950's sitcom. At all times. Even on vacation.

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hi, Met,

    b) honesty realize you've been scamed by a group of 25-30 elderly con artists
    who have no experience in raising a family or children, whose only goal
    is the preservation of their position in a bureaucratically cold religion

    Have you any evidence of this?


  • metatron

    Ask JT - with the exception of Schroeder ( Governing Body), I am not aware
    of any person in high station in the Watchtower that has raised a child. Even among
    circuit overseers, this is rare.

    As for being frauds, I view the blood transfusion issue as evidence of conscious,
    deliberate fraud - that is, they are well aware that their arguments are unsupported
    by scripture or reason, that they fear a rebellion if this is exposed, and that they
    are slowly removing the doctrine from circulation while ignorant Witnesses sacrifice
    their lives for nothing.

    An additional evidence of conscious fraud by the Society is their command for elders
    and publishers to avoid cooperation with surveys ( KM and letter to elders). Modern
    statistical sampling methods are the most reasonable and accurate means ever devised
    to judge a population. Their refusal means they don't want their spiritual paradise
    exposed for the failure that it is.


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Most excellent post. Well done Met!!!!!!!

    But, these situations are so sad, so sad. (Father)(Son) (Holy Spirit)

  • jack2

    Met, you've described the "perfect" family......uhm, perfectly.

    From what I have observed and experienced, your post is spot-on. For example, my daughter told me not long ago "I just wanted to get a cigarette and hang out on the street corner and get caught. Anything to take the pressure off, because everyone expected me to be this perfect elder's kid".

  • moman

    met, you are DEAD-ON-DA-MONEY, sad & funny.

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