Why Are JWs So Hard To Get Through To?

by Tower Man 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • donkey


    I have no good answer for you. Sorry I have to be Honest here. I have YET to meet someone who does!!!!

  • Dia

    I would agree that trying planting a seed to get them to consider that JWs rever the WTS - more than God or the Bible is good.

    I also try to plant a seed to get them to observe that JWs have very superficial relationships, especially with each other. I might suggest to them that this is because they put a blushingly high value on 'tatelling'.

  • Dia

    Additionally, I think it's useful to point out that JWs have the lowest education level of any religious denomination.

    Also very high (perhaps, the highest) rates of both suicide and homicide.

    And finally, very high rates of mental illness. (I wouldn't start with that one as they seem to think this is a blessed sign of worldly persecution.)

    These are things they would NEVER hear from the WTS or in the context of belonging to the Organization. In fact, it is very well hidden from them.

    But, when they think about it - and perhaps immediately - they will recognize, from their own experience, that this if all very believable and makes a lot of sense.

    Hopefully, it will give them pause.

    Edited by - Dia on 10 November 2002 5:56:1

  • AjaxMan

    They are brainwashed into believing that anything non-JW or against the JWs is demonized.

    Trying to prove them that the Watchtower is wrong is a big task as they truly believe in "You cannot prove a negative" such as for example, if they believe "blood transfussion will not save lives", they'll believe it.

  • 68storm

    I think that Beans had the right answer.(although short) THEY ARE IN A CULT!

    I've spoken to people that had expert knowledge of their beliefs, yet it took them many years and a slow agonizing period, in order for them to get one loved one to open their mind.

    I am convinced that the wts has to have the very best form of mind control. I think that the likes of Hitler, Stalin etc., would be envious.

    All you have to do is read some of the posts on this board from people that are out of cult. Even though they have suffered tremendously having been a jw, they still believe that the wts has taught them truths that nobody else would have. I get so sick and tired of hearing about hellfire, immortal soul and the trinity falsehoods of Christiadom (sp? sorry, I forget the spelling of this made-up jw term.) When does one realize that bullshit will ALWAYS be bullshit, no matter how many times it is repeated.

    I have to say that Farkel (my hero) says it best! They are definately BRAINDEAD! with very little hope of recovery.


  • jazbug

    After reading Steve Hassan's book on Combatting Cults, the answer is so simple....JW's are totally mind controlled. Even as I read the book, I kept trying to rationalize his points and saying to myself, "Well at least we don't do this," then a second later, I would say, "oh, yes we do"> Some of the things are so subtle and since JW's don't wear strange clothes, and chant on street corners (pass out mags on street corners tho) many people don't recognize the cult connection. He also says, "If you are mind controlled, how would you know it?" If you knew it, you would get out......So after almost 35 yrs as a JW, I am on my way out. But it is very difficult because I spent a lot of time trying to disprove this was a cult (thru the yrs. ) and now here I am, having to accept the fact that JW's are a cult and I have taught people for years all of this untruth.

    I think for most JW's it will take something hitting them very personally before they will question the WTS. As long as everything is going well for them, they will believe that if things weren't going well, they would get the help and love they need. As Ray franz said, "It is all a perception but not reality." JW's perceve the organization one way but in reality it is completely different.



    As Ray Franz said, "It is all a perception but not reality."

    I couldnt agree more! But thats not exclusive to JWs. All our lives are driven by perception, regardless of whether or not we recognize it as such. Some of that perception is reality, some of it is not. Every religion and philosophy of life is a matter of perception, and theres lots of it out there just as screwed up as the JW brand. So why target JWs more than anyone else to deliver them from their error.

    Theres a lot of JWs I love dearly and would like nothing more than for them to be able to look at their beliefs and perceptions with an open, honest and rational mind. However, I know the likelihood of that happening is very small. I wasted some of the best years of my life trying to get people into that organization. I, for one, dont feel compelled to spend the rest of it trying to drag people back out.

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