The Worst Conundrum EVER!

by SYN 12 Replies latest jw experiences



    Sorry to hear about Placebo.

    If you tell him that you are an exjw, he might feel a need to shun you, even at work (if he is a happy jdub). It would cause discord in the office and he might self-destruct and lose his job. Of course that is not your responsibility, that is merely one of the dysfunctions of being jw. It is a tough call.

    I liked Prisca's comments. They sound very reasonable to me. Not a spot I would want to find myself in.

    Prisca: You and I are both Oct 17 birthdays! Yaaaay Libras! (sorry. . .off topic) <hangs head>

    Valis: Cool new pic!


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    Ask him (innocently, of course):

    Hey, last time we met, you said you are JW. I was curious and did some research. Tell me, do you guys still believe that the white race is superious to the black race? (

    No? OOooohhhh.... that was changed by new light, eh? So do you still believe that God lives on the star Alcyone, in the Plaedies? (

    No? Oooooohhhhh.... that changed to. I see. Tell me then, do you still believe that Jesus presence began invisibly in 1874??? (

    No? Ooooohhhh... now 1914 is the date for that. I see.

    Well do you still believe that Oral Sex with your spouse is bad, wrong, and evil? (

    Sort of? Oooohhhh... so it is still evil, but is no longer policed. A sort of "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

    Hmmm.... well, I tell you what. I'll wait until some "new light" makes Oral Sex "normal" instead of "evil but not enforced". Call me when it happens!!! :)

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    Seriously though, remember, he is a VICTIM! Treat him as such.

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