The Worst Conundrum EVER!

by SYN 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SYN

    Folks, this is a bad one.

    There's this guy I know, we'll call him Placebo for now, as that's his nick online, who I'm pretty good friends with. He comes to our monthly graphics programmer Meetups that we have in Johannesburg quite a lot. Recently he signed up to help do one of the presentations at a developer's day that Microsoft are having this month, where we'll both be speaking in front of about 150 people about programming-related stuff. According to our contact at MS, the place is fully booked (eek), so things are going to get a bit crazy on the day.

    Everything was going nicely until we all got together at S's place to finalize the topics document - while we were chatting about the various things we were going to cover, Placebo dropped the following comment: "Oh, I don't mind public speaking, I'm a Jehovah's Witness, and we do it all the time..."

    Needless to say, Yours Truly's lower lip began meandering rapidly SOUTH at this point. It was pretty difficult not to say anything - I wanted to say a thousand things, but landed up saying nothing, just staring down at my notepad.

    This all comes as a huge shock to me because I never could've imagined that this guy would be a Dub - he's the coolest! He's a great programmer, and we often email each other to speak about problems we're having, and try to figure out solutions. I've been teaching him a lot of different things, so he'll listen to me if I say something.

    BUT, will he listen to me about his religion?

    Oh, and he's married! Double trouble!

    So what should I do? Keep MUM? Throw in a couple of Dub code-phrases to get him thinking about me? HELP! It really bugs me that this cool guy is currently Assimilated!


  • hippikon

    Shoot him before he starts to suffer

  • Prisca

    How much do you know about his personal life? Is he happy with his lot in life, or is he more worldly than JW in his actions?

    If he seems happy as he is, I wouldn't make a big effort in trying to get him out just yet. Perhaps you can let on that you were a JW too if you feel comfortable in doing that. Keep things to a professional level and leave it at that.

    If he does indicate some dissatisfaction with his religion/life, then perhaps you can indicate somehow to him that life is better out of the Borg than being in.

  • Matty

    Did he name his online nick Placebo after the band? That will tell you a lot about him - not particularly dub approved music I think.

    Well, he could be a good friend to you, and as we all know, a friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend with weed is better!

  • jack2

    I agree with Prisca - if the guy is happy, I'd leave it be for now.

    Placebo - interesting nickname. Just think, he's been in every medical study ever done.

  • TR


    Hope he doesn't diss you if you tell him you were a 'hovah. Might alienate him. Maybe tell him you know some x 'hovahs, they're really nice people(LOL!) and see how he responds.


  • NeonMadman

    If it's the way you want to go, you could start asking him "innocent" questions about his religion, designed to implant doubts in his mind. Ask him if he saw the Dateline special, and what he thinks about it. Or whether it's true they predicted the end of the world on certain dates. That sort of thing. I'm sure you can think of lots of questions, and will know how to respond to the stock JW answers.

    Be careful if you do that, though, because if he finds out you're an ex-JW, he would take it as a betrayal because of his programming. Another 'apostate deception'. So you could end up losing a friend - but that will happen anyway when he finds out you're an ex.

  • Valis
    Valis's a sly way of introducing him to could always have in your signature...maybe he'll click through and check it out..eheh


    District Overbeer

  • Sentinel


    I'm a great believer in the notion that all things happen for a reason. JW's are some of the nicest people. Many of them are so isolated and "stuck". Sounds like you met a very reasonable one. If I were you, I would strongly consider approaching him with your feelings. Who knows, he may be a person who is trying to fade, or who needs someone to talk to, just like you! Try to be his friend. What can it hurt.

    It may just turn out that you've made a new friend!

  • DanTheMan

    Hey, whatever happened with this situation SYN?

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