Am I Living In Sin

by kelpie 28 Replies latest social relationships

  • Sentinel

    I believe that if we are in a committed relationship, then we have already made a promise to be faithful to that person. The only problem with not doing it legally, is the "laws of the land/country" we live in, can make it difficult for marital benefits, etc., if you do not comply. Also, we are still very steeped in the traditions of our culture, which recognize the moral issues of marriage. There is also the issue of children and how they are generally regarded when their mother and father are not married. There is still a stigma in society about how matters like this are viewed.

    Setting up a household with someone is different than the dating thing. Sometimes we have to explore the sexual end of things, as well as really getting to know that person, before we know that the person is that special someone. We see other failed marriages and we don't want to rush into that decision, and then later on, find out that we have made a mistake.

    I like being married, and appreciate the legal aspects of it in these times. But, after coming out of the JW's and leaving a very abusive marriage, I was very afraid of relationships. I did something I said I would never do and that was to live together, as a couple for a year before we got married. At the time, I didn't give a hoot what anyone else thought. It was a private decision made for private reasons. It worked out. We did get married. I think it was a good thing.

    I would never say that you are "living in sin". You are living in "life". You are responsible and accountable for your own decisions and choices, and you are free to make them. Be happy.Be wise.

  • kelpie

    Thank you all very your imputs. It is good to see how other people view the situation.

    My main aim was to see what people's view points were in relation to how many still lived their lives closely by biblical standards.

    I am glad to see that a majority feels the same as I do.

    I am living my life and being happy. My partner and I are fully commited to each other and we will be getting married next year or early 2004.

    I know I will have to deal with the guilt feelings and they are getting less and less every day as he makes me feel more self confident about myself and my decisions on leaving the borg. He is fantastic and very supportive even when I have days where I just want to cry all day.

    I couldnt ask for anyone more committed then him.


  • outoftheorg

    Hey 006!

    Chill out man. That was my effort "feeble as it may have been" at sarcasm in the form of a joke. I didn't mean to trip your trigger. Sorry if I aroused the sinner angst in you. I don't look at anyone as a sinner since I got out of the org.

    I was hinting at " how did you know about me and the park bench thing ?

    Guess I will have to retune my humor. Didn't mean to offend you.


    Edited by - outoftheorg on 7 November 2002 21:8:30

  • Beck_Melbourne


    Ya don't want to get too literal where the bible is concerned as Yaweh's ways were a little bit odd to say the least back then. Lot impregnated his daughter for Pete's sake...and don't forget how Noah cursed his son for seeing him naked, and weren't Cain and Abel copulating with their sisters?? Eeeekkk! And don't forget he allowed slavery and don't forget the extreme view of the headship arrangement..etc.

    I say boink/bonk til your hearts content.


  • kelpie

    *goes and grabs her man and starts boinkin/bonking him to til he begs for mercy!*

  • Beck_Melbourne

    *goes and grabs her man and starts boinkin/bonking him to til he begs for mercy!*

    I suggest you don't stand too close to trees during a thunder storm


  • hippikon

    In my opinion relationships are the hardest things to manage. I dont think marriage means much today. I actually think its wise to test drive a relationship first. But what do I know

    PS Give me a ring this weekend If you like my plan. It would cause absolute turmoil in the local cong if it works

  • kelpie

    How about I just ask you in chat seeing as you are there

  • pettygrudger

    Kelpie - my husband & I aren't "legally" married either. We did make vows to God before family & friends - just skipped the government portion. We are introduced as hubby & wife, our friends & family know us as hubby & wife, and the world doesn't realize we aren't "technically" married either.

    Our conscious tells us we are married- I'm with you - as long as God & everyone who knows you considers you married, what the government don't know won't hurt them. The tax benefits are terrific!!!

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