Am I Living In Sin

by kelpie 28 Replies latest social relationships

  • kelpie

    So what is your view? Am I living in Sin?

    In God's eyes when you sleep together you are "married" NO where in the bible does it mention signing legal documents.

    Well that is the way I justify it


    Edited by - kelpie on 7 November 2002 0:53:57 to remove a spelling mistake

    Edited by - kelpie on 7 November 2002 1:2:26

  • SixofNine


    I doubt you really justify it that way. That doesn't quite do the trick, since you didn't say anything about marrying the guy w/ or w/o paper. You are, I hope, enjoying yourself as a consenting adult having sex, or even better, as you put it, making love.

    Sin? Not in my book. Which btw, is a better book than the bible.

  • hamptonite21

    What does nbsp mean? anyway, sin is good. Enjoy the experience! Your brainwashed brain is making you feel quilty. Keep reminding yourself of the wtbs lies, you'll feel better about making your own decesions.

  • joannadandy

    in my 21st century thinking...(that does not require assistance from a moldy book) nope you are not living in sin.

    But if you are still a firm believer in the Bible, then yup! But that was your choice, so it is only you who can choose to reverse one here can tell you what to do. And you obviously know what the BIBLE says, so why are you asking us?

    Not meant to be harsh dearie, but c'mon...this is your call.

  • kelpie
    My question was.... So what is your view? Am I living in Sin?

    I know what the answer is and I know what I feel but I just wanted to see what the general viewpoint was....

    I know I will do what I think is right.. But to me a forum is about getting other people's viewpoints. I didnt want to be told what to do..

  • Farkel

    : In God's eyes when you sleep together you are "married" NO where in the bible does it mention signing legal documents.

    Nope. You're just boinking.

    Who married Cain and Mrs. Cain? Noah and Mrs. Noah? Abraham and Mrs. Abraham? Were they living in sin?

    Nope they were just boinking.

    Enjoy. All the rules made by men are bullshit.


  • IslandWoman


    So what is your view? Am I living in Sin?

    Are you single? Is he single?

    If so then, imo, what you both do is your own business.


  • hamptonite21

    Kelpie dont be so sensitive. alot of times since things are written they can be taken out of context. I dont think anyone is telling you what to do.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    In reading your post, my first thought is about commitment. Is this an expression of a committed ongoing relationship? If so, then the sexual act is a natural physical sign of that bond between the two of you.

    What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is their business. How you reconcile it with your conscience is up to you.

  • Farkel

    There should be no shame in boinking. Flies do it. I've never spent much time with flies, but if I could speak "fly" I'm sure they would tell me it's no big deal and God hasn't messed them up for doing it in the last 300,000,000 years for boinking fly-style.

    Hell, dogs do it in public and they seem to be proud that they are! So does every other civilized animal. Ever see a dog file a lawsuit for "alienation of affection" after he boinked some bitch dog and she quit loving him after that? Neither did I. He just finds a new bitch dog and boinks again.

    Dogs are civilized. It's the humans who are animals. They try to regulate and dignify through more regulations a simple biological exercise that takes far less time to do than the DipFuck preacher who loves to talk about it. For hours.

    If that typical preacher was totally honest, he'd rather be doing it than talking about it. But preachers are liars. And hypocrites.

    I like the way dogs view the whole matter. It's more wholesome, or at least, its more honest.


    Edited by - Farkel on 7 November 2002 1:36:2

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