The Psychosis of an Organization

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • out4good3
    Does anybody remember the hopeful lie that was circulated
    before Paterson was built? That it would be constructed to
    survive Armageddon and educate the resurrected? I asked a
    faithful moron, back then, to show me in the Bible where the
    preservation of any building thru the Great Tribulation is

    I resemble that remark !!!!

    Seriously though, I was one of those faithful who fell for that line when I was being dub-trinated? The elder I used to study with and the prissy pioneer my wife studied with used to tell us that all the time.

    The so-called "great teaching work" to come.

    Just another fairy-tale....

  • minimus

    Patterson was going to be used because San Diego wasn't available.

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