The Psychosis of an Organization

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Recently, some naive (loyal Witness) friends of ours did a
    tour of Bethel. They were told about the Society's movement
    of printing and binding functions to other places, including
    Wallkill. The suggestion was made that it might be "safer".
    Also, the empty buildings may be sold off.

    The word 'downsizing' was never used (except by us) to
    describe what the Society is doing. I doubt moving functions
    to Wallkill or third world countries is going to make anything
    any more secure, either.

    Does anybody remember the hopeful lie that was circulated
    before Paterson was built? That it would be constructed to
    survive Armageddon and educate the resurrected? I asked a
    faithful moron, back then, to show me in the Bible where the
    preservation of any building thru the Great Tribulation is
    guaranteed. No answer resulted.

    Normally rational people get together and start an organization.
    Suddenly, all common sense disappears and they are building
    sand castles in the air to live in.

    In a way, the 25-30 old men who run the Watchtower are like
    strait jacketed mental patients, muttering to themselves about
    their self exalted importance and critical position in the Divine
    Plan. Every failure is reframed into some new challenge whose
    purpose God hasn't revealed yet. No evidence of defeat is plainly
    confronted - or even thought to be possible. All the while,
    their message withers while human history passes them by.

    Everytime they file a court case, or make a secret deal
    with the UN or some government, it's just another tacit admission
    that these are real, functioning authorities - not the 'puny
    human' efforts that they've lied about.

    Native Americans have peyote - these theocrats have the
    'organization' drug, to continue their hallucinations of
    invincibility and grandeur.


  • Scully

    Hi metatron:

    Wasn't it you who said that in order to survive, the organization and JWs themselves are going to have to become dumber and crazier??

    Love, Scully

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    So they invoke the JW paranoia about the inevitability of impending persecution to obscure the real agenda: downsizing and economizing by moving to lower-cost facilities. And the dubbies swallow it whole. It never seems to faze them that they were lied to about the switchover to voluntary donations or about the 1985 change in the baptism vows, etc., etc. So the Society can count on the rank and file's inexhaustible reserves of gullibility and naivete.

    Is it not fair then to ask whether the boys at Bethel ever EVER tell anyone the straight unvarnished truth about anything to anyone, either to their own kind or to Caesar? How many times would they pass a polygraph?

  • Scully

    Room 215:

    How many times would they pass a polygraph?

    Sociopaths, psychopaths and pathological liars usually pass a polygraph with flying colours. The trick, it seems, is that they actually believe that their lies are the Truth TM .

    Love, Scully

  • Dia

    The one thing that a pathological narcissist CANNOT deal with, cannot confront, cannot handle is SHAME.

    In fact, their whole world is constructed around avoiding, outrunning, suppressing, denying, ignoring shame.

    Just my .02

  • TheOldHippie

    Scary post, metatron - to some of us ..................

    But then, half the brain is already numb and has somehow grasped the facts and silently realized there is only a limited amount of truths there; the other half lingers on, though, and testifies to the fact that hope only slowly dies ...............

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    They have actually emptied some buildings!!! I think its time for a tour! This is awesome!! Any pictures?

  • Intuit39

    Many of the buildings surrounding the factory in Brooklyn are being developed into shops and condos....the Society is just getting ready to cash in. $ $ $ cha-ching! $ $ $

  • Buster

    So for how man years did they tell people that planning ahead was a sign of a lack of faith? I remember the talks - "Are youy planning your business five years into the future? Have you no faith?"

    I would like to know how far ahead they had to plan for this move. I imagine it is like most others. It entailed, facility sizing, search, purchase and sale agreements, build out, a move plan that does not interupt current activities, plan for the existing property, ... tons of stuff. That process takes years for an industrial entity - even if God does edit their publications.

    So, back at cha FDS, "Have you no faith?"

  • metatron

    All the while they were talking about 1975, they were planning years in advance.

    While they built Paterson, they talked about Armageddon coming.

    I gotta wonder if they are planning a phased retreat - move out of Brooklyn,
    hire out most of the printing, sell off buildings and just let it fade away.

    If any of you took Marketing in college, you'll recognize this as a classic
    'mature marketing' ploy. You minimize the costs and effort put into a
    senescent product while the brand still has some value ( Ovaltine,
    Burma Shave, Grape Nuts, Watchtower and Awake, etc.)


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