Whatever We Say, Just Listen & Don't Question

by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    In nearly every publication lately, the overpowering message to the faithful is to just listen to God's organization. When Circuit Overseers give their talks, the theme is Just Listen To What We Say. We Know Better! Every study article contains the same not so subtle message : You better listen because if you don't you're weak or complaining or worse yet, an apostate.The mind control is so obvious!

  • Farkel


    I appreciate your well-thought out threads and deep research that makes them possible. You are a giant among giants.

    This is just my way of saying "thanks" for all of your contributions since you've infected this board.


  • kelpie

    It is obvious to those that have been there done that.. but those who are still caught up in the borg cannot see it or dont want to see it.

    I never considered the j dub's to be a cult until i left and started researching... now i know they are

  • minimus

    Now Farkel, that one was funny!

  • blondie

    Minimus, I saw you on TV trick or treating.

    When the WT publication gets like that, my husband leans over and whispers in my ear, "We must have order," in the most Germanic tone he can muster.

  • minimus

    Blondie, that's funny. I do the same thing to my wife. There really is the siege mentality going on at headquarters.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    The message blaring from the magazines and from the podium for the once-dunked is in effect: ``No questions; sit down, shut up, obey or else." Get baptized and the door slams shut.

  • COMF

    I like it when they do that. Because the harder they pound on it, the more likely some poor soul is to say, "Why don't they teach us anything besides blind obedience to them? Why harp on this all the time to the exclusion of other things?"

  • butalbee
    Minimus, I saw you on TV trick or treating.

    Me too! LOL.

  • minimus

    I wasn't on TV but I might've been trick or treating.

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