Why were the Flintstones sexualized?

by nilfun 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    I moved around a lot, and the weirdness regarding sexual stuff was in every KH...

    I would love to believe that it was not organisation-wide...
    that those were just isolated incidents by rogue JWs, but I just can't...

    I remember how this young pioneer was so embarrassed at her wedding when
    the elder giving the "wedding talk" went into great detail about the role
    sex would play in their marriage...even going so far as reminding the
    happy couple not to have sex on her period.

    As a teen, my big sister was called into a judicial meeting once. My unbelieving
    father insisted on being present, and blew his top at them when
    they started doing their sexual probing. He was able to shield his daughter
    from all their nasty questions, but we all know that so many face this type
    of questioning alone and how humiliating it can be for them.

    And reading what goes on at bethel only confirms what I have been feeling in my gut
    for a long time...

  • Valis

    eheh...couldn't resist..


    District Overbeer


    I remember an elder's wife telling me the song "Hey Jude" was a drug song, promoting herion use....so of course I hummed and whistled it even more when she was around.


  • Swan

    I noticed things like that when I was in the JWs. Growing up sheltered in a religious cult, I was rather naive about a lot of these sexual terms, hidden meanings, and innuendos. They told me not to use the word "dork" and "weener" or "weenie" because it was slang for a penis, yet they still use the word penis. Lots of inconsistencies like that.

    Maybe they should start requiring all of their people named Jones, Harry, Dick, Peter, Tom, John, Hooker, and Gaye to change their names.


  • nilfun

    Valis , LoL!

  • Swan


    You wrote:

    Many woult counsel you on saying "petered out," but would use the phrase "brown noser" and think nothing of it. The latter would refer to one who kisses butt.

    I never realized that. I always thought it was a reference to a dog, trying to please his master. Thanks for the insight.

    Also, about the F word, I believe it was originally an acronym for a court sentence. In old England, when people were tried for fornication or adultery, the court clerk recorded the reason for their sentence was For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Eventually just the initial letters of this term were written down.

    It reminds me of how the words smell, stink, stench, scent, and sniff, have evolved throughout the centuries. Stink and stench were once as innocent in their connotation as sniff. Now they are regarded as malodorous.

    If common words like this keep changing their meaning every few centuries, isn't it kind of silly to think that words written thousands of years ago should apply literally and to the letter to every aspect of our lives today?


  • Swan

    Valis! LOL!

    Were the Flintstones and Rubbles the Bob and Carol, Ted and Alice of their time?

    And here I always thought I was watching an innocent cartoon. Who ever knew that Bedrock didn't refer the solid underlying foundation of rock beneath the Earth's surface? Who of us as children could have imagined it wasn't representative of the firm moral foundation of stone-age families?


  • caligirl

    "I learned that I should avoid eating lobster so as not to become sexually inflamed"

    Well damn, I knew there HAD to be a reason that I'd do anything for a lobster!!! And here naive little me thought all these years that I craved them just because they tasted so good!

  • Preston

    That's funny, my old congregation was okay with the expression "petered out"... that is, until the Gay club down the street took the name. Cheers!

  • TruckerGB

    Well I always thought that Wilma was the sexiest,I would go with Betty,but I would be thinking of Wilma..

    Take care,

    Rich,,, Who is putting his head down.

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