After Silentlambs, What Will Be The Next Issue?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Maybe the next issue will just be the usual..... someone coming in here with huge concerns and lots of people lending advice. Sort of like when I joined this board 11 months ago.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Red M&Ms: major cause of cancer? Discuss.

  • ozziepost

    I may have missed something, Minimus, but I thought the last issue was Ray Franz. Regreetably and sadly, that is.

    Disclaimer: No, I'm not trying to resurrect it, and No, I'm not commenting.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Minimus, as a horney man would say, stick around something will come up.

    Guest 77

  • minimus

    When the board gets bored (do ya like that one?), personality issues become the huge topic.

  • Simon

    I think the ongoing issues will continue about doctrinal flip-flops and inconsistencies, cover-ups of past wrong and personal lives being affected by shunning.

    Hopefully, people will continue to get help and advice from others.

  • metatron

    Take a good look at this and other websites and note
    whats changed from the old h20 days.

    Hardly anyone disputes or defends Watchtower doctrine.
    You Know and Fred are gone. WTS 'theology' (if you can
    even call it that) is flat dead. It's all just 'do what
    we command' now.

    People are coming on this site almost daily looking
    for advice on getting out - particularily previously
    zealous types.

    In the coming year, look for more legal and financial
    woes (they're telling Bethel commuters their services
    aren't needed anymore). and keep in mind they still
    have the blood issue to deal with - even as they sneak
    away from it.


  • roybatty

    Taxes will be the next issue and the wealth that the boys in Crooklyn have gathered.

  • jws

    Dancing red M&M's??? I thought that was the 7-UP red dot that they used in advertising a few years ago, not an M&M.


    Interesting point about the lack of theology discussions. I remember other boards that got so deep into it and that's why I like this one because it's a lot lighter and a lot more focused on personal experiences. Is that because of the different forum for that sort of thing or have JWs obeyed their master and given up on trying to fight apostates on-line?

    Interesting point though. I always thought, when reading those debates, that if some JWs were looking on, the back-and-forth gave them hope that their point-of-view had some merit. Now there's pretty much one-side and any curious JWs looking on see only that side. I would expect that may lead to a much greater decline in JW numbers!!!

    Edited by - jws on 31 October 2002 12:8:42

  • Brummie

    Patr is this the picture you were reffering too cus I cant see another one there:

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