Need help for someone hurting by JW rules.

by BeelzeDub 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    The current policy of the service dept is that if a husband admits to his wife and then denies it- she CAN WRITE A LETTER stating such and she can divorce him, but she will not be able to re-marry.

    your friend got some bad infor from the elders. she can divorce him and will not be DFed, but she can't remarry-

    if she would like she can call Patterson and ask to speak to one of the guys on the service desk if she would like to hear it from the Big House.

    i recall asking RP Johnson the same question, suppose a bro admits to it, but denies it before the elders-

    he told me technically the elders can't do anything to him, since he WITHDREW it.

    but she can go thru with the divorce by wqirting a letter and AT LEAST she can go after support in order for her to have money.

    ck the cdrom there is something in it on this matter

    her elders are either not up to speed or just sad in terms of knowing Organizational procedures

    she needs to write a letter to the service desk indicating that the elders told her she could NOT DIVORCE HIM -

    if she wants to stay within wt rules then it is important to at least know what the rules are and how to use them for her benifit

    give me a call if you need to 202-336-8792- if not there leave it in my voice mail i maybe on the floor or in the serverroom


  • JT

    my bad i just reread your post again, i see she is already divorced-

    at this point according to wt rules she can never remarry as long as he denies being unfaithful

    this is why she must make a decision and of course the answer is not a simple one, but she only has two choices at this point

    1. find a new person for her life and don't marry to maintain wt status and be unhappy

    2. marry this person and find happiness and develope coping skills to deal with the loss of being a jw

  • DJ


    Yup, clear as mud. I didn't ask for the dissertation but merely a clarification between your use of man instead of eunich. It does make a huge difference in meaning to me. It is nothing like the word, "is". That's ridiculous. I don't appreciate your condescending ways. I was simply asking a question and I found you to be quite rude.

  • Iwasyoungonce


    I was responding to the orginal poster in regard to his friend. I do not believe that the people who are giving his friend spiritual guidence (elders) have her happiness in mind. It is my opinion that they do not represent either reality or true scripture.

    You decided to step in and ask me what I meant by saying man. (As you say "eunuch." All the while you never said what is your take or your point. You make me feel like I am being judged. I am not trading bards with you. When there are hearts and happiness at stake I hate Biblical jargon and legalism. Not that you are the one doing it; I was but refering to the big picture. This "friend" has every right to be happy and that is what I believe God wants. I believe that is the bases for scripture (how to be blessed.) (happy)

    If you are going to make this personal and attack me maybe you could consider stating why you take issues with the Bible that I quoted. What is the "big" difference to you?


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