first timer

by fairy 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    G.Day Fairy( I learned that from Barry!!!) Welcome to the family of apostates.. I am the old one on board ...75 yrs old- was in the WT over 20 yrs ( 25 including before I got baptized-) This is a great place- They all "put up" with me....Unconditionally!!!! I love em all. Your free now .But remember there are" NO wasted years. "That was a talk that was given by Jan Greonveld( sp?) who was an Aussie - just recently went "HOME" to heaven.... She was an ex Morman- ex JW- Was a great Christian... we will miss her- but Heaven is a happier place with her -I am sure.

    Hang in there!!!!! ((((((((((HUG)))))))

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome to the board, Fairy.

    I've traveled around and met some from this board and it simply is amazing to me that no matter what country you are in the problems are all the same among the jws. Please do not feel like you are all alone. Sit back, read a little and enjoy hearing other's experiences.

    You'll see that this bunch here are a fun loving group who tease each other, so pay them no mind



  • Shakita

    Hi and Welcome to the board fairy,

    You will find this forum a good place to vent and heal. It seems you have had a hard time with the judgemental witnesses. That is not a trait exclusive only to the witnesses. But, I know it must hurt to think you belong to an organization that should be showing the qualities of God, and they do exactly the opposite.

    Hope you stay awhile and have some funBut, be careful, this place has been known to be addictive.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Welcome Fairy! Good to have ya and hope we see you around in the future!

  • dsgal

    Hi and welcome Fairy,

    I know for a fact that Witnesses can be very cruel and judgmental.One time when we were all about to leave for field service an overweight sister was getting into a ministerial servant's car and he made the comment that he didn't know if his car could take that much weight.She made it through the morning but she started crying as soon as she got back and she never went to another meeting.All that talk about the love among them is BUNK.My son and I never got invited to any of their get-togethers because I was married to an unbeliever,yet they would freely talk about how much fun they had right in front of us.One sister even made a video and gave me a copy of a talent show they had right before Christmas last year,as if to rub it in.We made it to the end of January and finally stopped attending meetings.I think it's a shame that people give up friends and family for them and get made fun of and then get treated dirty by them.That's really "Agape love"huh?

  • Jesika


    Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for sharing some of your story and I am sorry for the loss of your parents.

    I think the world of you for writting your best friend and apologizing to her. I know it took alot and I am sure it meant the world to her.

    When I was df'd at 15 my best friend (we were friends since I was 5 or 6) would still talk to me on the phone, and then one day she told me she couldn't talk to me anymore. We had promised each other since we were kids we would be the maid of honor in each others wedding. Well, I didn't even find out she was married untill almost a yr after she was married. She was severely physically abused by him and they finally allowed her to divorce him.

    I saw her at a resturant a couple yrs ago while having lunch with my mom ( she isnt df'd or da either). She was with a group of JW's some of whom I have known since I was 5. We caught eyes from across the room and I smiled at her. She turned her head with no responce to my smile. They all talked to my mom ( she left the table of course) and my "friend" never looked at me after that first meeting of our eyes. It hurts me to this day that I couldn't be there for her when she really needed me. I hope that one day, some day we can be friends again. She holds a special place in my heart to this day. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH for getting in contact with your friend, I know how much it would have meant to me to recieve such a letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you here!!!!

    With love,


  • imanaliento

    hi Fairy, sorry to hear about your mom and dad, and how unloving some people are.

    so here's a big cyber hug from your new family ((((((((((((((((((( FAIRY ))))))))))))))))))

  • fairy

    I thank everyone for their kind words ............just another side point, when we first moved into a certain congregation of course it takes a while to make friends, but being only 13/14 when we moved in to a new congregation made it hard and meeting after meeting after meeting we use to go home crying because we couldnt make friends or no one would hardly talk to us....wheres all this love they talk about.....i know that was a long time ago, but it still sticks

  • jurs

    Hi Fairy

    WELCOME !!!!!!!!!!

    I left a year and ahalf ago. I found it very hard to make friends at the kingdom hall. It can be very lonely. I think you'll find that your experiences weren't unususal. We all know how "loving" the organization can be.

    Hugs to you! I hope to hear more about you


  • KKLUV155



    Glad you are here.


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