Another SERIOUS WTBTS False Teaching...

by AGuest 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Inkie

    Greetings Borgfree: Yes, all scripture at the time of the apostles was contained in the OT; however, not everything in the OT canon is scripture. That which is not included in what our Lord stated should not necessarily be considered "scripture." Perhaps that which was not stated by our Lord as scripture may very well be good and interesting reading (like our own history books) and have a measure of value; however, it is not inspired. Also, if you look at the history of the various books of the NT and see the "circa" or about the time of the writings in the NT, you will not that the early Christians were indeed Christians without the aid of the NT. From the time of Pentecost when the holy spirit was poured out until the writing of the first book or letter in the NT, Christians functioned quite well without the new testament canon even being in place, yes? Just something to think about.


  • borgfree

    Very interesting Inkie, Thank you.


  • AGuest

    My dearest Inkie... may you have peace!

    Thank you... and amen and amen...

    Your servant, sister and fellow slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Dearest DJ and borgfree... may you have peace!

    Please note that "scripture" is that which the writer was TOLD to write, and did... "in the spirit" (thus, "in-spired"), and includes "Moses (which is not the first give books)", the Psalms, the Prophets... and the Revelation.

    The gospels were not inspired, as evidenced by Luke's own statement as to who directed him (Theophilus), why, and where he got his information. Luke 1:1-4. This would also apply to the Acts. The letters were not inspired, as noted with regard to Paul's statements therein of when he spoke of his own accord.

    I hope this helps (and again, thanks Ink!)

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • borgfree

    Thanks AGuest.


  • AGuest

    Dearest Frank... may you have peace... and may I say, in response to your comment that:

    Both Marys are not the same.Since I don't trust anything that is written by the Watchtower,I fully trust the Holy Bible as,"Final Authority."And since scripture says,"All scriptures are inspired....."anything the NWTHS prints is a lie.

    ... according to the WTBTS (Aid and Insight Books), both Marys are not the same.

    So, I am not sure what it is you are really trying to say. But I do bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


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