Seeing Problem

by Undecided 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    About once a month I have a problem with my eyes, or probably the nerves controlling my eyesight. I see something like an oval mark that is drawn up and down in a half circle. It sometimes keeps me from seeing properly, depending where it is. I just can't see directly through it. I asked my doctor and he said it was something that usually goes with a migrane headache. I don't have any pain, thank goodness and it usually goes away in about 10 minutes. I can see it with my eyes closed or open and it seems to pulsate. Has anyone heard of this before? It's happening right now but it is to the left of my eyesight so I can see straight ahead OK. It's really no problem but I wonder what causes it.

    Ken P.

  • DJ

    Hi Ken,

    I'm no expert but did you ask your family doctor or an opthamologist? I would ask the latter. Just remember though that most of the time they don't know what causes these kind of things but you should make sure that it isn't something to be concerned with. Take care Dj

  • Elsewhere

    Did you go to an eye Dr. or your general practitioner? There are all sorts of things that could produce symptoms like that. Things from a detached retina to a tumor.

    If you haven't seen an eye Dr. about this, I would recommend making an appointment as soon as possible.

  • Francois

    You sure this isn't some combination of cataract/glaucoma?

  • Undecided

    I'm about 2 years overdue for my eye examine. This has been going on for about 4 years or so. I forgot to ask at my last eye doctor visit. I do need to go soon as possible as I also see some flashes of light at night when I look suddenly to the right. I'm just falling apart I guess from old age.

    Ken P.

  • blondie

    See a specialist, Ken, asap. I have a friend whose GP was not very aggressive and almost lost his vision. It was also optic nerve related. It turned out to be a rare reaction to some medication he was taking. Here are some other areas that must be explored.

    Diabetes complications

    Macular Degeneration






    • Optic Nerve Papillitis

    General Discussion

    Papillitis, an eye (ocular) condition, is characterized by progressive inflammation of the optic disk. Also referred to as the "blind spot," the optic disk (optic papilla) is that portion of the optic nerve that enters the eye and joins with the nerve-rich membrane lining the eye (retina). The optic nerves are the pair of nerves (second cranial nerves) that transmit impulses from the retinas to the brain. Individuals with Papillitis experience loss of vision in one eye that may occur within several hours of onset. The severity of visual impairment may vary from case to case, ranging from slight visual deficiency to complete loss of light perception. In addition, affected individuals experience a reduction in color perception. In some cases, spontaneous recovery may occur. However, in other cases, permanent visual impairment may result if the underlying cause is not detected or treated. Papillitis may occur for unknown reasons, after a viral illness, or due to or in association with a number of different underlying disorders or other factors.

  • caligirl

    Migraines do not always have pain. I get migraines, but the extremely painful variety. My Uncle who also gets migraines describes something very similar to what you describe, with the flashes of light and impaired vision for a relatively short period of time. It is quite possible that it is simply a migraine, but I agree with the consensus that you see a Dr to rule out anything more serious before treating it as a migraine.My uncle has had great success in controlling the frequency of his migraines by modifying his diet to eliminate any foods containing nitrites or similar preservatives (which unfortunately pretty much eliminates most prepared food found in the grocery store). Just a thought! I hope you feel better!

    Edited by - caligirl on 26 October 2002 13:12:32

  • Elsewhere

    OMG! How could you go four years knowing about this? I would freak out the first time it happened to me and make a B-Line to the eye doctor.

  • Blueblades

    Ken, sometimes FLOATERS are the cause of this problem . Look up floaters on the net, for more info.However, when I had these irritating eye problems I went to an EYE specialist to check it out. Blueblades

  • Blueblades

    Ken, See an OPHTHALMOLOGIST. He/She deals with the branch of medicine concerning the structure, functions,and diseases of the eye. Blueblades

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