So, "Is Ray Franz GREAT or What???"

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Lew, I appreciate your comments . The only reason I bring this up is because I think the issue is far from over. And I am not the only person raising this issue.I also know that a number of people feel that this should just blow over, for the good of the cause. But, I'm sorry to say that BB comes off badly here. If the cause is to be effective, BB has to address the comments that he made. If you feel satisfied that he doesn't owe anyone an explanation, then he shouldn't post his opinions on the net. Maybe he reacts to his feelings quickly. But it seems that his comments were not only well thought out but were snide.....(and I know a snide, I'm glad you are back, in full swing!....and that was not a snide comment.

  • DakotaRed

    And Danny fires the first volley!

    Well, I'll just pull up my chair and pop some popcorn. Have fun!

  • LB

    I bring this up is because I think the issue is far from over
    Of course it's not over, we have to just continue to beat this dead horse. Oh wait, maybe this is the second resurrection?

    This is a discussion board, at least that is what the shingle says up top. I think it is high time for all 'activitists' and thier favorite oganizations, to stop and think about it.

    Discussion board? It's been discussed to death. But have fun...... that popcorn butter free?? Have a beer, it's butter free too.

  • DannyBear


    I guess you have no opinions about what I stated.

    If you call my statements a first are in for alot of popcorn eating in this place.


  • minimus

    Something had to die for it to get ressurected. This must be a "spiritual" ressurection. The issue is only dead for the apologists.

  • DakotaRed

    Yes, Danny, I have opinions. But, * I * choose when to share them and when not too. I already shared my opinion above on this. If you think it is healthy to continue beating a dead horse, then by all means, beat away. Far be it from me to stifle any in their quest.

    Passing LB the unbuttered popcorn, waiting on the beer.

    Lew W (of the has a large appetite class)

  • Big Tex
  • DannyBear


    Ok so be it.

    I understand now, it's not beating a dead horse, when you have an opinion, but it is when a dissenter expresses them. AHHH makes perfect sense.

    So go ahead an chide me with popcorn eating and beer consumption...a childish way to put anyone down.

    I guess we know we each other stands. Enjoy your corn.


  • DakotaRed

    LOL, Danny. Do you like your popcorn buttered or unbuttered?

    Sorry, but I don't goad that easy. I stated my opinion, take it or leave it. Your choice.

    Nowhere did I state for any not to express themselves, but merely pointing out the inevitable outcome of this. If you or anyone else feels the need to make demands of Bill, be my guest. Just remember, many were maligning Bill a few weeks ago accusing him of making demands on Ray.

    Just so you know, I'm not a staunch supporter of either man, I'm for the supporting the victims. Remember them? It isn't about Bill or Ray, but about helping the victims and supporting them and they are the ones who end up getting hurt in these wars of words.

    Lew W (of the picking popcorn kernels out of his teeth class)

  • kelsey007

    The way I see it is that Mr Bowen brought himself to the fore in this program. It made a public spactacle of himself. In doing so he has naturally, in a free society, opened himself up to critism. Unfortunately for the abuse victims that whom he claims to work for, he has stated some very inapropriate things - whether true or not. Now his pride seems to be keeping him from just saying - I am sorry for stating the things I stated about Mr Franz in such a public forum. Sadly to me this is complacated due to the fact that all know that Mr Franz does not visit these boards. Why would a caring person whos goal is to aid abuse victims expend any energy posting any negatives about anyone in a public forum? What was the gain? Whether Mr Bowens accusations were true or not is to me not the issue. The issue is rather why would a good person do such a thing? Why would one take private conversations with anyone and make them public? Does not that betray a trust? Certainly one would be skeptical about pouring ones heart out to anyone that does such a thing. My mom writes me a letter and I post it for all to read???? This is the problem I have with all this. This makes me question the integrity of the person. If I were Ray Franz I would question the intent of any call I received from this individual for fear that my words would end up in a public venue. Did Mr Bowen ask Mr Franz or inform Mr Franz beforehand that his intent was to quote him in a public media? Even reporters are respectful enough to ask the person they are interviewing if they can be quoted before quoting them. I honestly think that this is the issue more so than bill is right or ray is right. The wrong was the posting of any part of the conversation without persmission of the person being quoted.

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