2001 Symposium on "Problems of Bloodless Surgery" in Moscow - Sherri Ozawa explains the HLC and bloodless medicine clinics

by OrphanCrow 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • OrphanCrow

    A few years ago, prior to researching the field of "bloodless medicine", I was under the mistaken impression that bloodless surgery was a field of medicine that sat "outside" of the Watchtower influence and operated as a part of mainstream medicine. Since that time, I have discovered that "bloodless medicine" has been founded and maintained by the Watchtower Society itself.

    Bloodless medicine is the Watchtower Society - it has been organized by people who have been trained by the WTS and therefore, the bloodless industry is controlled by the WTS.


    In 2001 an international symposium "Problems of Bloodless Surgery" was held in Moscow, Russia. Included in those who organized the symposium were two representatives from the Watchtower Society, one from the New York International Hospital Information Service and another from the Russian branch of the same organization:

    - M. Adzhiboye - surgeon, director of the Russian branch of the International Hospital Information Service, New York, USA;
    - MV Cusco - the surgeon, deputy. director of the Russian branch of the International Service for hospital information, St. Petersburg;

    Also organizing this symposium was a well known American doctor from Englewood Hospital in New Jersey.

    - A. Shander - director of the Center bloodless surgery clinic Englewood, New Jersey, USA.

    Shander is intimately connected to the JWs who established organized bloodless surgery clinics and he was a founding member, along with several HLC members, of the Society for Blood Management that was founded the same year that this Moscow symposium was held. Shander has published extensively on bloodless medicine and is a primary mover and shaker for blood management programs. At this symposium in Moscow, he presented several papers from professionals involved with the Englewood Hospital.

    The Moscow symposium in 2001 had been preceded by several other conferences that dealt with issues around bloodless surgery and blood management. The collection of papers presented included selected papers presented at a series of international symposiums:

    Bloodless surgery on threshold of XXI century - a modern view on transfusion therapy
    - Regional Hospital, St. Petersburg, April 19, 1999
    MODERN APPROACHES TO Transfusion tactics in oncology and hematology
    - Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow, April 21, 1999
    WAYS OF PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF BLEEDING in obstetrics and gynecology
    - Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, April 23, 1999

    The collection also included a number of reports from the conference "Modern approaches to transfusion tactics in surgery and anesthesiology" (Yekaterinburg, June 1, 1999) and "New in Transfusion" (Moscow, 23 May 2000).

    One of the papers presented was from Sherri Ozawa, who is a Jehovah's Witness herself. In this paper, she explains the role of the HLC and the expanded role of the "program coordinator" of the bloodless medicine clinics/hospitals and how bloodless medicine clinics are intricately linked to the WTS and people whom the WTS has trained to oversee the advancement of their no blood doctrine.

    The content and purpose of the program "Bloodless Medicine"
    1 S. Ozawa, the coordinator of the "Bloodless Medicine".
    Center for Bloodless Medicine Clinic in Englewood, New Jersey, USA.

    After an introduction that discusses the JW religious and legal position concerning blood transfusions, Ozawa gives information on how the WTS' Hospital Liasion Committees were formed, and the role of the "Program Coordinator" of the bloodless medicine clinics/hospitals. Within "bloodless" clinics, the program coordinator (a JW trained by the WTS) takes over the role of the HLC. The bloodless clinic, therefore, becomes a highly organized WTS controlled environment.

    (translated from Russian)

    7 It is important to emphasize that the term "bloodless" in itself can be misleading. This does not mean the absence of bleeding or blood minor role in medicine. The essence of the name is that efforts focus on the conservation and management of the patient's own blood in order to avoid the need for transfusion. Thus, the term "bloodless" reflects the refusal of blood transfusion.

    8 As already mentioned, the position of Jehovah's Witnesses before caused misunderstandings between them and the majority of health workers. In this regard there was a need for close cooperation and providing medical information. To do this in the 80s. Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses legal authority) to develop an effective system of cooperation with doctors, hospitals and other medical institutions, operates worldwide. This was possible thanks to the organization in many countries, thousands of the Liaison Committee with the hospitals. The purpose of these committees is to personally go to medical institutions, sharing scientific information on alternative (bloodless) treatment methods. Committees also help to guide patients, especially in complex clinical situations, a doctor with experience in the treatment without blood. Since the Committee cooperates with plenty of doctors and medical institutions, clinics are interested in the improvement of these treatments. Some of them have organized the so-called program of bloodless treatment.

    9 Since the care of the sick is part of the problem several doctors - not only of the physician or surgeon - it is clear that such a program should be well organized and coordinated. Thus, the selected program coordinator, who takes over many of the duties previously performed by the Liaison Committee with the hospitals, mentioned above.

    10 The structure of the program is as follows. Appointed Coordinator (one or more), preferably having a medical education that has direct contact with doctors and patients, providing information to staff and the public, coordinates the treatment of patients included in the program (control preparation for the operation, collecting and processing information, developing a treatment plan and procedures). Programme Coordinator liaises with the Board of Medical Directors of the program, which is responsible for counseling, treatment monitoring, the study reports, the creation of the hospital protocol and review. The Board of Directors and the medical director of the program is also in communication with the administration of the clinic, which is responsible for approval of treatments and procedures, administrative monitoring of the program, the decision of legal issues.

  • opusdei1972
    I can't read Russian language, however I still hear about witnesses dying on account of refusing a blood transfusion, so I doubt that currently "bloodless Surgery" can save a person with a great loss of blood.
  • OrphanCrow

    I can't read Russian, either, opusder, that is why Google translate is so valuable.

    Bloodless surgery is ineffective in major blood loss. Bloodless surgery methods are not suitable for everybody or for every circumstance.

    In some cases, the methods used for bloodless surgery can actually increase the need for allogenic blood transfusions. And...the risks of artificial blood are greater that the risks of allogenic blood transfusion.

  • rebel8

    Once again, you and I share an interest, Orphan Crow.

    "bloodless medicine" has been founded and maintained by the Watchtower Society itself

    I found that out as well. As with many other things, wts steps up and takes credit for certain things they did and did not do, while at other times they pretend as though others did things they did. They flip back and forth between these strategies as the situation suits their needs. (They do this with the Holocaust, neurolinguistic programming, and the US civil rights movement, among other things. It's a standard strategy of theirs.)

    I've found a high level of dishonesty among "bloodless medicine" proponents. The dishonesty centers upon their ties to wts/jws. They predictably deny their sympathies or outright involvement with the cult, while presenting their information at conferences and online.

    I have come to regard "bloodless medicine" as comparable to Scientology's practice of not allowing women to make noise during labor, or sweat lodges to cure cancer.

    Medical professionals use "unusual cases" to learn things, so sometimes you will see a journal article about a particular case. For example, they may learn the efficacy of alternative approaches--something they could not normally learn in an ethical research study where they cannot use humans as sacrifices. j-dubs misconstrue this as validation--"doctors are learning we are right."

  • Giordano

    Back in the day when my wife and I discovered TTATT one of our issues was the ban on blood, this was in the mid 1960's.

    Many a family member and our friends always fell back in our debates about this issue by citing the danger's associated with blood transfusions. Apparently the scriptural evidence was even then to porous to argue without raising the danger issue. Of course back then the level of danger was fractional while the death rate without a blood transfusion was extremely high. Even today with all of the medical advances a blood transfusion is often the only way to stabilize a person so those advances can be used.

    The fact that the Society is involved in bloodless surgery has, in my opinion, little to do with an attempt to save lives since they could do that by simply "decriminalizing" the Blood ban, but more to do with keeping this barbaric line of reasoning in place and avoid the massive outcry from their followers should it be lifted.

    The Society never owns up to it's history of self indulgent idiot objections to life saving treatments.

    What we learned in the mid 1960's is that if you are led by simpletons you have to remain a simpleton.

  • OrphanCrow

    Yes, Rebel, we are definitely in the same camp! I agree with everything you said.

    As with many other things, wts steps up and takes credit for certain things they did and did not do, while at other times they pretend as though others did things they did. They flip back and forth between these strategies as the situation suits their needs. (They do this with the Holocaust, neurolinguistic programming, and the US civil rights movement, among other things. It's a standard strategy of theirs.)

    Yes, yes, and yes. This is what is the most difficult to deal with and the most wrong - the deception. The WTS uses strategies that are not transparent or honest. Each and every one of us knows that if a person is an active JW, that they MUST toe the WTS line. There is no other option. A JW thinks and behaves exactly the way that the WTS tells them to. They do not have the option to behave independently. The entire bloodless medicine/blood management industry has been founded by JWs trained by the WTS and most people in the general population and even medical professionals themselves do not know this. The JWs who founded, and continue to promote these industries, rarely/never declare their affiliation with the WTS - they never say that they are JWs.

    Well, that would be like the Catholic nuns running abortion clinics but never telling people about their religious affiliation. When JWs like Farmer and Hoffman are involved in influencing how blood is to be used for the general population, I have a HUGE problem with that. HUGE.

    I don't think that the pope should be involved in telling doctors how abortions should be conducted, and I don't think that the pope should be invested in birth control pills. Likewise, I don't think the WTS or the JWs that they train and control, should have anything at all to do with MY health care or anybody else's that isn't a JW. The WTS is way out of line with how they have influenced and lobbied the medical profession.

    Shannon Farmer sometimes has said that he is a "consumer advocate" and there he goes, advocating for... who? For you? Or for the JWs? Which consumer does he represent? And why? I know one thing - he does NOT represent me. I do NOT want a JW of any kind, shape or form involved in my medical care.

    Gioradan: The fact that the Society is involved in bloodless surgery has, in my opinion, little to do with an attempt to save lives since they could do that by simply "decriminalizing" the Blood ban, but more to do with keeping this barbaric line of reasoning in place and avoid the massive outcry from their followers should it be lifted.

    This is why the blood ban is SO important to the WTS:


    The WTS has always lobbied the medical community. They have invested money since day one of the blood ban into promoting their brand of medicine. They have produced tons of literature and media over the years to promote their no blood ideology to mainstream medicine. Just stop and think for a minute about how much it would cost to establish and maintain their HLC network. The literature alone that is produced for the HLC network is a huge cost. Training costs. Traveling costs. What about those two bigwigs who attended the Moscow conference I posted who came from the WTS' "International Hospital Information Services"?

    Where does the money come from to organize, train, travel, and maintain the whole hospital information system, including HLC, program coordinators,etc, etc.? Is it part of congregational donations? Who finances the HLC and the Hospital Information network???

    I don't buy for one second that the WTS has invested all that time and money into influencing the medical community simply to avoid law suits or "help the JWs".

    When a business spends money on something, it is called an investment. Spending money in an area means that there is a potential profit in that area. If the WTS wasn't making money on their blood ban, the blood ban wouldn't be in place. They wouldn't spend money on no blood promotion if they weren't seeing a financial return on it.

    Who or what finances the WTS' HLC and the entire Hospital Information network???

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    @OrphanCrow and rebel8:

    What you write is so important.

    What you both have gone through is horrible.

    Thank you both for staying on this Forum and helping us wade through the paper work, behind the scenes.

    All the best to you both!


  • JWdaughter

    I was bothered by the full time JW employee at a major hospital in tacoma who spent her Career dealing with JW blood issues. A nurse, she had access to patient records and decision making as well as obvious ties to the local JWs and hlc. No JW would have felt free to take any care accepted by the WTBTS. There was a fissure in their freedom to have privacy and make medical decisions. I rather suspect that whatever literature the provides to the medical establishment comes at a price, as well as training, speaker fees, etc. I am sure bloodless surgery development is funded outside the WT. Bet they are getting grant money funneled through the WTBTS in some way. They don't do anything unless they gain from it.

  • rebel8

    I don't think that the pope should be involved in telling doctors how abortions should be conducted, and I don't think that the pope should be invested in birth control pills.

    I had not thought about it from that perspective. Thank you--very apt.


    We can all do something that will take less than 30 minutes and cost under $5--anonymously! Simply look up the major hospitals near you and find out the name of the Chief of Anesthesiology. Print this out and mail it to him or her. Do this once a year. “Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood” brochure

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