Are WE Going To War?

by Perry 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry

    Are WE Going To War?

    Whom Shall We Fight?

    Living in a city with four military bases allows me to hear rumors through the grape vine about military involvement. And, rumor has it that war is imminent with . I hear that already many supplies, medical equipment and personnel are being deployed to the region under great secrecy.

    In President Bushs famous speech in the wake of 9/11 he said, you are either with us, or with the terrorists. Is President Bush following through on his promise? Possibly he is. However, in my opinion, Bush has made a terrible mistake in committing US resources to the establishment of a Palestinian state while at the same time fighting terrorism. Why?

    Palestine Is a Fiction.

    Palestine has never existed as a nation. The region known as Palestine was ruled at various times by Jewish Kings, Rome, Islamic and Christian crusaders, the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their ancestral homeland. They also carved out other Arab nations at the same time. Palestine was never ruled by Arabs as a separate nation.

    Palestinians have no unique culture, no language known as Palestinian, and are indistinguishable from Jordanians, Syrians or Iraqis for that matter. In fact, the term was given to the region by Rome after a smashing blow was delivered to in 70AD. This was merely a psychological attempt to erase the Jewish culture and identity by naming it after a people who the Jews conquered centuries before. By the time of the Jewish revolt and the Roman victory, the Philistines had long been extinct as a people.

    Still, Jews persisted in Jerusalem , even numbering around 40,000 by the turn of the 20th century, while arabs numbered only around 7000. If Jerusalem was so damn holy to them, why werent there more of them there?

    The reality is that the Arabs poured into Israel after the 1967 war when they took care of business in a very surprising crushing defeat over several invading Arab nations. The irony is that the quality of life and degree of freedom was better for Arabs in Israel than in many of their their native countries. Only then did we start hearing about Israeli bigotry and how Jerusalem was Islams holiest of cities. It was all propaganda.

    Way back 1977 , the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here's what he said:

    The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.

    For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to certain cities, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand, Beer-Sheva and others. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite with Jordan.

    In fact, on the same day Arafat signed the Declaration of Principles on the White House lawn in 1993, he explained his actions on Jordan TV. Here's what he said:

    "Since we cannot defeat Israel in war, we do this in stages. We take any and every territory that we can , and establish a sovereignty there, and we use it as a springboard to take more. When the time comes, we can get the Arab nations to join us for the final blow against Israel."

    The above statement should be self evident when we consider what happened at the last meeting orchestrated by President Clinton between Israel and Arafat at . At that conference, the Prime Minister offered to give up large amounts of land and even half of Jerusalem.... most all of the things that the Palestinians have said they wanted all along. What happened? While the whole world held its breath in hopes of peace, Arafat simply thumbed his nose at the inhabitants of this planet and went home to prepare for war.

    The fact that Arafat has close ties to numerous terrorist groups is beyond dispute. He is a mass murderer dedicated to the extinction of a people. Now, personally, I think Arafat should be arrested, tried for crimes against humanity and summarily shot. But, if we're not going to do that, the next most rational and logical course of action to take with regard to this monster is to ignore him.

    • We should stop sending taxpayer dollars so he can build palaces in the and pad his Swiss accounts.
    • We should stop pretending he is a moderate Arab leader who truly seeks peace.
    • We should encourage our European friends to cut off all the blood money they pay him
    • We should tell the Saudis they had better stop supporting him or we'll confiscate their oil fields.
    • We should tell the Israelis to do with him as they please.

    It's not too late to say no to another Arab terror state. It's not too late to tell the truth about Palestine .

    We also need to allow our ally in this terror war, our only true ally in the Middle-east to defend herself. We need to stop putting the handcuffs on Israel . We need to stop meddling in her affairs. We need to stop giving ultimatums to the only party in the dispute who actually listens to us.

    Israel has some responsibility here too. They need to get out of the international dependency racket. It needs to develop a short term plan to get itself off U.S. welfare. It needs to stand on its own two feet so it can tell-off the U.S. when it is advised to take actions counter to its own national self-interest.

    Americans generally don't understand the extreme Islamic mind because we don't generally know their history. In Muhammad's era, Islam swept through the Arabian pennsula and went on to conquer tmuch more. Its armies then marched on Europe to the very gates of Vienna. In the late 15th century, Columbus was exploring new trade routes because Islam's armies controlled the land routes to the East. He accidentally discovered America as a result . For the next 400 years, Islam's imperialist ambitions faded. But certain Islamic factions are quite clearly on the rebound today.

    Enriched by oil wealth, Islam is expanding in every direction....Asia, Europe Indonesia, Africa, and even in the U.S. where some say it is the fastest-growing religion.

    We must understand in the West today whether we live in the Us, Europe , or elsewhere that Islam reflects a vastly different worldview from the one that established western civilization. If we try to understand Islam as some sort of extension of monotheistic Judeo-Christian philosophy, we will fail to see the truth about its cultural and imperialistic ambitions.

    The truth is that western civilization faces perhaps its greatest test at the hands of Islam today. We don't understand these people nearly as well as we should and, not understanding them, we try to give them what we think they want,... what we might want in a similar situation. This is how Israel has been led down the primrose path in its negotiations with the Arabs.

    This is a war folks. And, for a lot of Islam, the negotiating table is just another theater in that war.

    Whether or not the recent sniper in DC turns out to be a foreign terrorist or not, people are still dying elsewhere, and lots of them. In fact, more Christians are being persecuted today than ever before in the history of the world even under the Romans. Most of those attacks come from Islamic extremists.

    What we need to understand is that these attacks are connected. They are coordinated. Islam is on the march, again. The only question is whether we see it, acknowledge the reality of it and figure out an adequate response before its too late.

    If a nation has any chance of winning a war, it must be able to identify the enemy. In my opinion, Iraq is but a blip on the radar.

    Are we at war with Islam? We are most definitely not.

    But, it appears that a significant portion of Islam, is at war with us.

    Edited by - Perry on 20 October 2002 18:27:8

    Edited by - Perry on 20 October 2002 18:40:7

  • mevirginia

    Hmmm...probably. If I were a gambler I would bet on yes. But then there is a good reason why I do not gamble.

  • teejay

    Where've you *BEEN* Perry?!!

    Living in a city with four military bases allows me to hear rumors through the grape vine about military involvement. And, rumor has it that war is imminent with Iraq.

    Dang, Dude... all ya gotta do is watch the Nightly News and sorta figure out what Bush plans on.

    It's almost like he's following a script that can't change. Absurd.

    Then this Sunday morning's news talk shows pointed out (again) that the Bush Administration has known (for months) that N. Korea already has (and has had for quite some time) everything that Iraq still is only *suspected* of having. Strangely, the suspicions of what Iraq MIGHT have and what Iraq MIGHT do with it is enough to justify the plans Bush has for "Sad-dam" and thousands of innocents and, at the same time, somehow outweighs what is already known and is fully acknowledged by the Koreans.


  • Simon

    I heard on the radio that more people go to Mosques in britain than the Church of England (the state religion). I guess that almost makes us a muslim state huh?

    Maybe Bush will bomb us too.

  • kenpodragon
    I guess that almost makes us a muslim state huh?


    You should look into that, I have heard that Tony Blair is getting very worried with the influx of Muslims into England. They currently make up 30% of you population, according to the recent research.

    My thought


  • Perry


    Admittedly there may seem to be a contridiction here. However, Sadaam is openly committed to the destruction of Israel, the US and supports terrorists. He was definitely involved in the first attempt to bring down the wold trade center.

    I'm curious, if you were president, what would you suggest?


    Personally, I am against an attack on Iraq at this time. I would much rather see us play the song and dance with UN weapons inspections to buy us time to drastically increase our intelligence. I would rather see terrorist cells systematically eliminated than mobilizing giant armies for battle. Of course, countries must be responsible to some degree for the terrorists they openly allow to operate in their countries.

  • Amazing


    Maybe Bush will bomb us too.

    Well, Tony Blair will bomb us too. The USA has a lot of muslims as well ... we have lots of terrorists living here too ... soooo, maybe we'll just bomb oursleves ... better yet, if we all get bombed, we'll feel less like bombing.

  • sf

    Ryobu-Shinto 96 the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and was ... (PDF) - Ryobu-Shinto 96 the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and ... A term originating from the trench warfare of World War I ... They are the dominant group in Iran and Iraq ... ;search within this site

  • sf
  • mustang

    Look at Muslims' in Germany. They have already established a 'shadow government' there. They have "CALIPHATES" in such places as Cologne and Dresden. They have their own schools with extorted German state money. Germany has already been invaded. Wake up; how do you spell S-E-D-I-T-I-O-N???


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