I'm out of this apostate site...

by ScoobySnax 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Yes, everyone here should have the Freedom to Post whatever opinions and beliefs they want to express.

    However SLANDER is not allowed (at least it should not be allowed):

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of "Slander":

    1: the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation

    2: a false and defamatory oral statement about a person compare LIBEL

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 20 October 2002 1:36:4

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    No understand what S cooby ? The drinking thing ?

    Can't wait - I'll type a response anyway : -

    The wts warned against listening to other people, and indeed put the argument as, "just one drop of poison in the glass, and you'll be killed by the drink" - or something, i.e. just listening and taking in one bit of that 'other' stuff.

    Whereas Jesus Himself said, " if they drink any deadly thing it will not hurt them". Go figure?


    Edited by - a paduan on 20 October 2002 3:55:20

  • COMF
    (swallowing my mouthful)

    Here ya go, have another.

  • onacruse

    Snax: "from some theres such a nasty undercurrent of hate, not nice."

    Not nice, but sometimes necessary. I've myself sometimes posted what I consider rather strident comments, usually because the topic drew up from inside me a shot of venom that I needed to just cough up and get rid of.

    Part of the healing process.


  • xenawarrior

    I'd like to buy a vowel.....


  • Windchaser

    Wind, swallowing a mouthful...

  • Undecided

    Hi Scooby,

    That was a pretty good description of this place. It's like any group of people who have some common experiences, they enjoy sharing, but there will be all types of personalities who at times conflict with others. The overall attitude is good and it helps to cope with the disappointments we have experienced with the JW faith that has in many instances controlled most of our life. Yes, sometimes it's just petty stuff, but at other times it gives comfort and a feeling of friendship. There is also information posted that we would never have known and that has effected our lives in the borg.

    Sometimes I feel a little fed up with the postings but I always come back the next day and find something that I enjoy. There are many fine people who post here that I would never have met any other way, so thanks Simon for this site, I really appreciate your effort.

    Ken P.

  • Amazing

    Hi Scooby: I understand your point, but generally I have to disagree. There are many newer people joining in and lurking, while others leave and more to other things. So the repreated stream of topics is maybe old hat to some, but refreshingly new to others ... there is a lot of healing going on. Also, some things are not as presented, for example you stated:

    "Bill Bowen is worse/better than Ray"
    No one ever made such arguments. It was a matter of Ray clearing up his position, and in so doing, Bills comments appreared libelous at worst, and completely out in space at best. Events involving Ray are not usual, and so this was rather a unique development.
  • lv4fer

    I agree with Amazing. There are new people here everyday. I read w/o posting for 3-4 months before I posted. I learned a lot here or was at least directed to places where there was good information. I don't come here as often as I did at first, in fact I was reading daily sometimes 3-4 times daily every chance I got when I was first leaving the borg. I come here about 1 a week now. It was so encouraging to realize that there were others struggling with the same things, to know your not alone. I do think there are people here who need to get a life and move on...let go of some of their anger. But I think that this site is so important for helping to save people and get them out of the WT. That is mostly what I come here for now. I hope I can help others that are struggling or questioning the WT teachings.

    Amazing, I just wanted to tell you that your story was a great encouragement to me when I was leaving. I printed it out and gave some sections to my husband to read. You should rerun them occasionaly for new ones to read. I wish I had the talent to write and/or that my story of leaving was as interesting as yours. If it was I would post it so that maybe by some chance it could save even one person. I'm just so glad to be FREE.

    Thank you EVERYONE!

  • freedom96

    I think this is a great site for those who want to know what is going on, get new ideas, and make new friends. No one is going to try to kick someone out or jump on someone for a disagreement over a subject.

    What a refreshing place to come, where one is not judged.

    Not to say though, if someone is being a complete ass, then they should expect the same result as if they were behaving that way anywhere else.

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