Pink Songbooks - Green Bibles

by nicolaou 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Those of us who've been around long enough will understand the title. What we are looking for here are examples of the Society's lack of taste.
    For example, I'm sure our Kingdom Hall wasn't the only one in the 70's with dark brown carpeting that rose halfway up the walls and a nice trendy rubber plant in the corner of the platform!



  • riz


    The keyword I'm focusing on here is pink. That should be the first red flag. (that sounds funny. pink and red flag. heehee)

    Anywho, the last hall I attended looked like someone came in with 50 gallons of Pepto Bismol and a leafblower. A true ocular assault.

    I could go on, but I'm already feeling nauseous.

    riz (not a fan of pink)

  • ozziepost

    what's wrong with a pink songbook?

    Green Bible? Yes I agree it looks insipid.


  • AlanF

    Around 1960 the wife of the Congregation Servant at the KH I attended decided that the best color for the entire inside of the KH was pink. So the walls were painted bubblegum pink, which went very well with the pea-green highlights of the ancient green-brown of the asphalt tiles of the floor. Quite a sight, really.


  • Gopher

    The orange cover on the "Paradise Lost-Regained" book I read as a child was rather uninviting.

    Also, how about new-system fashion: The lady who does the gardening in the paradise scene (you know who I am talking about) until recently had been portrayed as wearing a (made-for-the-ministry) skirt while tilling the garden. Mygawd, how could she be so radical and wear something comfortable, like those rebel blue jeans???

  • zev

    You guys are gonna short cicuit my brain. Those were the days for bad taste I'll tell ya. I remember them well.

    Sitting on the Wrong Side of the Fence Class

  • Thirdson

    I agree with Ozziepost.

    I liked the pink song book. I still have a deluxe version with the shiny pink cover and the gold edged pages.

    You can always tell a JDub library...the shelves look like a box of Crayola.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • OrangeBlossom

    I remember one hall I was in, the new carpet they put in looked like pizza throw-up. No lie! It was terrible.

  • riz



    (passing on the pizza)

  • outnfree

    Actually, the only NICE hall I've ever been to is the one I just left. Understated elegance, soothing wallcoverings, a pleasant baby-changing room complete with counter and sink and rocking chairs, large foyer, graduated seating -- but STILL "dusty rose" covers on those theatre-quality seats!

    The absolute worst was a Hall I attended in PA which still had 70's orange, avocado, and mustard chairs -- you know, the ones with short wooden armrests and "silver" metal frames so they could be easily stacked? -- with a multihued orange carpet, in the mid-90's!!!


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