Were You Obsessed With Demons?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    I've also heard that the demonz jump in when you masturbate so you better go out and get one of those full body condems as seen in the naked gun movie with leslie neilson.lol

  • hamptonite21


    what is with all these questions? Everyday you post at least 2. Are you taking some kind of poll?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    what is with all these questions? Everyday you post at least 2. Are you taking some kind of poll?

    Oh leave him alone. I happen to like his questions. Not everything posted here has to be a matter of life and death. There are lot of people, me included, who have a big bag of nothing. Minimus has got something to offer. His posts are usually thoughtful and he also doesn't take himself so damn seriously. If you don't like what he has to say, then don't click on his questions. Lighten up dude.

  • Brummie

    Yep there was demons in everything....

    demons were connected to all forms of nocotine, thats 20 demons per packet. Naturally you could be stylish and get Euro demons by buying nicotine from France.

    One of the anointed in our cong was told by elders that her wall painting had demons connected to it, she obviousley wasnt spiritual enough to notice demons when they looked her in the face.

    there were about 120 demons in our KH, all dressed in ties and suits. 3 of them in particular enjoyed sitting the lesser demons through Judicial committees.

    demon stories were told in JW circles all the time, one sister reckoned that she knew a sister that heard a noise in her wardrobe and when she opened the door the flamin demon punched her on the nose...

    Strange how the devil becomes omnipresent in JW circles yet God is only situated in one place (just above Brooklyn bethel), they claim "worship" means to give a lot of undue attention to anything other than the creator, are they devil worshippers?


  • Shakita

    I personally was never obsessed or "possessed" by the demon world. But, I heard some really good stories at gatherings with other witnesses. Some of these stories sounded like they came straight from the "twilight zone." I guess they thought they were something of a celebrity to know others who were plagued by demons or were being visited by them themselves! The stories of demons entering objects and bothering people who bought them unknowingly at flee markets and such, just really sounded STUPID!

    Daily, I taunt the demon world to come and show me how to make a really good "devil's food cake!" I could always use a good recipe!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • minimus

    Big Tex, I owe ya...lol.....Everyone has heard the stories of the demonized article that wouldn't burn. No matter what you did, the demons tried to counteract it.....dumb stuff.

  • wednesday

    I enjoy minimus questions too.

    Growing up i was very affected by demon stories as they were abundant. Everything could possibly be demon related. I remember being frightened to sleep alone at night as a child. I won't go into it now, but some may remember my first post was about this subject. It is something that i am trying very hard to downplay and not give so much attention to.I had the habit of consulting psychics.. I do not do that anymore. Anyway, i have tried to lightedn up on this. All those years of jw thinking have left their mark though. wednesday

    Edited by - wednesday on 17 October 2002 11:55:35

  • Xander

    It's odd, but my wife still seems plagued by this terror. Even when looking at vacation spots - one B&B mentions in it's pub article that 'the ghost of Mrs. somebody-er-other has been said to walk to the halls morning the death of Mr. somebody-er-other'. Which made it a no-go for her....too bad, too - seemed like a charming place.


  • wednesday


    actully we did have a wig that belonged to a bible study that would not burn. We had all determined it was demonized and took it out to burn. To our horror , it would not burn. Further proof we thought ,it was demonized. We just threw the wig in the ditch ( litering ) and left in a big hurry. truth is stranger than fiction. wednesday

    Edited by - wednesday on 17 October 2002 17:43:49

    Edited by - wednesday on 17 October 2002 17:45:21

  • MrMoe

    Still am. They visit me, at work, home, driving in my car. I can't sleep, I can't eat, and my radio won't shut off, even tho it is not plugged in and the batteries have been taken out.

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