No Questions, No Answers!

by bjc2012 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Smitty

    Mentioning no names. One of MDS's original follower's told me that.

    Edited by - smitty on 22 October 2002 16:47:49

  • bjc2012


    You say one of his former followers said this or that. Hey MDS doesn't have that many followers, you know. Especially "followers" that frequent the "Chat room" of So if someone told you that, they kinda lied, you know. You have just have "learned" a little lie, my brother. So, you have been greatly MISINFORMED, by the former 'follower" of MDS who frequents the chat room.

    On the bright side of things, I fully expected "Satan" to rear his ugly head when the real truth starts coming out, and things really START rocking. So, this is no surprise to me at all. Believe me.

    You see, everything MDS "officially" teaches is written down. The man makes a written record of what he says. And he has made a lot of changes along the way too. And its scriptural. -- See Isa. 50:4

    I know the man is imperfect. No problem with his "growth" in the spirit and knowledge.

    But teaching Saddam H. was the "King of the North" is totally ridiculous.

    Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha.

    So I think Smitty, you are getting desperate now. But if Simon keeps "chat" logs and you think you have something there, then, by ALL MEANS, by all means LOOK FOR IT!!!

    But, until then,



    Edited by - bjc2012 on 22 October 2002 16:53:4

    Edited by - bjc2012 on 22 October 2002 17:0:49

  • ThatSucks

    Leave it to the TWMC duo to make me come out of the woodwork and tell them what superstitious manipulative opportunists they both are. BOTH Sisters.

    All hail the Modern Day $hitheads!!!!

    Edited by - ThatSucks on 22 October 2002 17:0:53

  • logical

    Smitty mentioned no names, and I havent spoken to Smitty (as far as I am aware) before this thread. So I expect an apology.

    And as for MDS teaching what is written down, so what? The Watchtower do that, Christendom does that, they all do their own twisted interpretation of what is written down. What is written down is full of errors anyway, and YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE! You really do crack me up, you are so blind, even to what you teach.

    I have no need to fear what judgements you and your MDS lay down on me, as you have no power at all over me. I am free of religion and cults and really I should thank MDS for showing me what a load of shit it all is.

    Ill worship God in my own way, and let HIM decide if its good enough, not you, not MDS, not anyone. I am not answerable to ANY man, even if he does delude himself with grandeur.

  • bjc2012

    To whom it may concern:

    I feel obligated to say this, since I started the thread. As far as the topic of discussion is concerned, it has died to me. Instead, this thread has drifted into name-calling and "he said, she said." I went back and noticed that I mentioned no names in the above post. I just repeated what "Smitty" said. But it seems, some want to argue and fight with words and on and on. Seriously folks, most of you on this board, are my children's age, as I am a senior citizen in my sixties. So believe it or not, I can find other things to occupy my time rather than engage in "hate" sessions with you young people. At my age, I just don't want the stress.

    But I do enjoy fruitful, engaging Bible Discussion. And I'm proud that I still do after all these years. I guess, I'm too old to change now.

    To "Smitty":

    When I post again, it will be on the "10 Horns" which give power and support to the "small horn" spiritual leader, Osama bin Laden. (Daniel 7:7, 8)

    I'm out of here. Time to go to sleep.



    Edited by - bjc2012 on 22 October 2002 23:11:16

  • bjc2012


    Was it your understanding that MDS taught the "Great War" of Daniel 10:1 had occurred in 1991, as the "Gulf War"?

    I think I have finally understood where the miscommunication has occurred.

    I will await your answer.


  • logical

    No, not at all bjc. I dont claim to know the prophecies of Daniel. Unlike you who was all excited last time the west was bombing Iraq, and you reckoned it was the start of your great war. As far as the 1991 Gulf War goes, I have never thought it as having any fulfillment of particular prophecy. It is just one war among many wars that have plagued mankind throughout its existance.

    When I post again, it will be on the "10 Horns" which give power and support to the "small horn" spiritual leader, Osama bin Laden. (Daniel 7:7, 8)

    It was only a matter of time.....

  • bjc2012

    My question was, was it your understanding that MDS taught this?


  • logical


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