Official Intro/My Story....

by Sunchild 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunchild
    You write very well. To write concisely and clearly is a gift. ...and writing a novel? Wow! I envy your enthusiastic industry!

    Thank you, and thank you. :) That "conciseness" thing isn't always good, though. Most writers put in too much stuff and have to cut it later; I end up leaving stuff out and have to write it in. [8>]

    (I’ve finished a first draft of a novel titled: "Cockroach!")

    What's it about? Somehow, I'm expecting something a little surreal; the title makes me think of Kafka for some reason....

    But my favorite writer-du jour is James Baldwin -- who is very "real." I guess I identify with his marginalized, gay, angry artist, outraged-by-injustice-but-enjoying-the-abundant-brittle-cutting-shards-of-beauty angst.

    Angst is good. I read it; I write it; I like it quite a bit. The story I'm writing has plenty of it, too, though explaining everything could get a little convoluted.... As far as authors go, though, right now, I'm reading Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire (VERY sexy), and I'm anxiously awaiting J.K. Rowling's next Harry Potter book.

    I’m just burned out on ALL religious/spiritual brain-bangs. ...and, no, I’m not an atheist or agnostic. You could say I’m currently in a metaphysical coma.

    That's understandable. After spending a lifetime as a JW, anyone would need a little time to just... well... figure out who they are and where they belong without being bombarded by outside influences.

    Re: the name "rabotnik." It’s Russian for "worker." I always felt like an automaton when I was a witness. Then, I was influenced by Anthony Burgess’s "A Clockwork Orange." It’s kind of Nadsat speak.

    <g> And I am very much a product of the Nintendo generation. A scary portion of my creative impulse is drawn from video games. And though I haven't read the book, "A Clockwork Orange" is one of my favorite movies. Anyway, thanks for clearing that up.

    All the best to you, new friend. You're very, very cool.


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • Sunchild

    Angharad, thanks for the welcome. I really like it here, and it seems to be a very active forum.

    COMF, nice to see you here! As for this:

    your amused and detached view of people and events is always refreshing. Welcome!

    Thank you. I stay detached to keep my perspective and my sanity. Otherwise, I'd 've gone Medieval on our H2O friend Shining One a LONG time ago, and people like that just aren't worth the stress.


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • Esmeralda

    Hi Sunchild!

    Just wanted to say I'm happy to see you here!


    The Four Agreements:
    Be Impeccable With Your Word
    Don't Take Anything Personally
    Don't Make Assumptions
    Always Do Your Best

  • Michael3000

    Hi, Rochelle. I remember you from posting on H2O, & checking out your site a while back. I see you've updated it a bit (although I'm glad you kept that photo of yourself up - you're quite a cutie!).

    Welcome to this forum - the original H2O died from lack of funding/commercial interest by it's ISP, or something. Then it was re-incarnated, but the format takes a long time to load, & people kept jumping ship to THIS site (at least for the more intelligent discussions).

    Glad to have you here!



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