Official Intro/My Story....

by Sunchild 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunchild

    Hi, everyone! I've been lurking here mostly and even posting on occasion (ooh!), but I've never really introduced myself. I guess it's time to remedy that.

    Anyway, my name's Rochelle. I posted on H2O (and now here) as Sunchild, everyone's favorite Witness-turned-Wiccan. I'm 25 years old and live in Michigan. As for the rest... you'll find the very same bio I posted on the old H2O forum. It doesn't tell everything, but it gives my basic story, including the baffling case of why in the world I ever became a Jehovah's Witness.
    I think that I was looking for a surrogate family. I was seventeen, afraid to grow up, and having some... issues with my parents, especially my father, who never seemed satisfied with anything I did. I needed a place to belong. Additionally, I was convinced that all “good people” become good Christians. Y’see, since I lived in what you might call a little hick town, I knew little or nothing about other faiths aside from, at the most, their names and that Christianity was somehow superior. I also knew that I didn’t want to be the kind of so-called Christian that most of my friends and acquaintances were. I think everyone has met the type. On Friday, they go out, get drunk and get laid; on Saturday, they recover from the hangover and lie to their parents about why they’re sick; on Sunday, they go to their places of worship, and on Moday, they basically call you a heathen because you don’t go to church. I was determined not to be like that. Like all decent, moral, perfect people, I was going to become a “good Christian.”

    At seventeen, needless to say, I was a little naive. But I was also quite studious and perceptive of certain things. I realized that holidays were of Pagan origin, so I looked for a religion that didn’t celebrate holidays. I’d picked up (mostly from my dad and Garner Ted Armstrong) that the human soul was not immortal, and that there was no such thing as hellfire. So, I went on a quest to find a Christian religion that didn’t celebrate holidays or believe Hell or immortal souls.

    Long story short, that’s how I got hooked up with the Jehovah’s Witnesses. And everything was dandy... at first.

    When I first started my Bible study, the Witnesses seemed like a wonderful deal, like the ideal form of Christianity that I had been looking for. Okay, there were some teachings that seemed odd at first (like the idea that Jesus was really the archangel Michael), but I figured, “It’s not impossible, and everything else they’ve taught me makes sense. This has to be the truth; I can’t drop it over such a little thing.” I couldn’t live up to my father’s standards, but hey, at least I had God. I had found God’s truth, and I was determined to make God happy by being the most faithful Witness Jehovah had ever seen. And when I started going to meetings, everybody liked me -- the spirited new girl who “told it like it was.” And when I was eighteen, I got baptized.

    It’s kind of hard to say exactly when things started going wrong. It might’ve been when, after my baptism, I started picking up on all of the unwritten rules and so-called “conscience matters” that could get you disfellowshipped or marked if your “conscience” led you to do something different from what was written in the Watchtower. No one was allowed to watch R rated movies, couldn’t watch soap operas, couldn’t visit another church, couldn’t give money to church-sponsored charities, couldn’t openly disagree with anything that the leaders taught.... The rules kept piling up and up, and I went along with them, even the ones that I thought were absurd. Like every faithful, dedicated Witness, I believed my disagreements with JW teachings were the result of a faulty conscience in need of adjustment and kept my mouth shut.

    Over time, I did indeed beome the ideal Witness: frightened, tractable, guilt-ridden, convinced that my every original thought and desire was demonic, always afraid of saying something that wasn’t Society-approved, morbidly depressed and not really knowing why, but convinced it was all my fault for not living up to God’s standards. There were times when I wanted to kill myself because I felt so corrupt and worthless, and I didn’t find out until after I left the Organization that many, many Witnesses felt this way but, like me, hid it to protect the religion. That’s the thing we’re taught to do: suffer if you must, but no matter how miserable you are, YOU MUST PROTECT “JEHOVAH’S” ORGANIZATION. You are nothing; IT is everything. If you’re not a Witness, after all, you’re part of the world controlled by Satan, and you can’t risk stumbling the ones who might otherwise be saved from their enslavement to the Prince of Darkness and their coming destruction at Armageddon.

    The more I look back on my past, the more insane it seems.

    In the end, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to leave the Witnesses, or else I’d either kill myelf or lose my sanity. I kept praying to die in my sleep so I wouldn’t be destroyed at Armageddon. When you’re only twenty-four, phyically healthy, and longing for your death, you know that something’s wrong. But even then, I thought it was me and not the Organization, and I planned on going back someday, once I was “mature” enough to stop wanting to think for myself.

    Thanfully, that will never happen now. A few weeks after I walked away, I decided to look into those evil “apostate” Web sites that I’d been warned to not even think about. I expected to find a bunch of obvious lies about Witness doctrine and screwy ideas about the Scriptures. Instead, though, I found out the REAL reason why the leadership doesn’t want the rank and file looking into information posted by ex-Witnesses. The reason is because it tells the truth about the Watchtower’s past, the corruption, the lies, and how familes and lives have been destroyed by this religion. If I’d known then what I know now, I never would’ve gotten baptized.

    I don’t regret the experience, though, even if I wouldn’t care to repeat it. If nothing else, I’ve made some interesting friends because of having done time in the Watchtower as well as learning to sympathize with people in other controlling religions. I’ve also learned from my experience that there’s no such thing as the “one true faith” or even the “one true God.” The only truth there is is the truth that you find for yourself.


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • freddi

    hello sunchild,
    your story is like most of us who have left the kingdom hall. i was a baptized member myself and i came to the same conclusion about them. i had to find myself instead of other people telling me what to watch on t.v., movies not to see, music that is considered unacceptable and who or who not to associate with. it began to felt like my life was being totally controlled. i started asking myself, "what happened to free will? what happened to serving jehovah because you feel complete love for him and not guilt because of people always having an eye on you: just waiting to find something to run the elders with." that was ridiculous. we are all adults in this world and thus not answerable to men who also sin behind closed doors. i am glad that you have decided to lead your own life the way that you feel like leading it. take care and thanks for sharing your story.

  • Lindy

    Hi Sunchild! Welcome here! I'm relatively new here too, but not on H2O. It's been a while, hope all is well. My oldest daughter (21) is still Wiccan, just in case you're wondering and both my daughters are doing well. All three of us are attending college this quarter and I love it. Anyways...just wanted to say HI!
    Lindy (Antique)

  • Tina

    Hey Sun? Haven't we met before???? lol just being silly,welcome((((((((((((((((((((Sun))))))))))))))))))))luv,Tina

  • rabotnik

    Here comes the Sun:

    Checked out your web page -- you are a very creative person! It amazes me that any truly creative person can survive inside the black hole called the WTBST without their alpha-waves getting all twisted in the wrong direction forever.

    I'm not into any New Age "bored-again" stuff. Or any wiccan stuff. Or any Jesus-crazed, holy-roller, god-loves-you-but-he's still-gonna-kill-you religion for that matter. I'm just a machine -- I have no "soul."

    But I am a musician, writer and artist. No, I don't have any web site. But I had a recent show of my "pornographic" neo-Saint paintings.

    Here's a quote from poet Rainer Maria Rilke: "Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves ... the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, you will gradually without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."



  • Sunchild

    Freddi: Thank you kindly for the welcome, and I do hope that other people might see themselves in what I've written, especially people who are have questions and/or are on the brink of leaving. I remember how good I felt when I realized I wasn't alone.

    Tina and Lindy: Yes, I think I know you from somewhere. Good to see you here.

    Lindy: Good for you, going to college! I wish I hadn't been a JW during *my* college years. I'm glad that your daughters are doing well, and all the best to all of you.


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • Sunchild


    Checked out your web page -- you are a very creative person! It amazes me that any truly creative person can survive inside the black hole called the WTBST without their alpha-waves getting all twisted in the wrong direction forever.

    Thank you for the compliment, and believe me, I'm surprised myself. I've actually spent the last year or so trying to rediscover my true self since escaping the Tower. It hasn't always been easy, but I think I'm finally more-or-less back where I used to be. I'm even doing something that I could NEVER do while I was in captivity: writing a fantasy novel, complete with magic, goddesses/gods, a bit of violence, and a fair amount of sexuality -- even *gasp!* homosexuality. It feels good, feeling free to write purely according to my own vision without fear of being "caught."

    I'm not into any New Age "bored-again" stuff. Or any wiccan stuff. Or any Jesus-crazed, holy-roller, god-loves-you-but-he's still-gonna-kill-you religion for that matter. I'm just a machine -- I have no "soul."

    Not to dis you or anything, but... do you want a prize or something? <g> If you're an atheist, that's fine with me; as long as you're happy and not hurting anyone (or trying to preach at/convert me -- I HATE that), it's really none of my business. Personally, I find a non-magical world just as difficult to fathom as a magical world may be for you, but that doesn't mean I want or need you to see things the same way I do.

    But I am a musician, writer and artist. No, I don't have any web site. But I had a recent show of my "pornographic" neo-Saint paintings.

    Pity you don't have a Web site, then. I LOVE controversial stuff. And though I didn't re-quote it here, I like your qoute very much.


    P.S. Is your screen name, by any chance, a Sonic the Hedgehog reference? Or is it just a coincidence...?

    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • rabotnik

    Hey! Soleil-Enfant,

    Recovery? Is it really possible? Good for you, SC. True, you didn’t grow up daily indoctrinated with that post-Russell hustle -- so you have a connection to other realities. For me, leaving that narcotic apocalyptic nipple, finding my name on god’s S&M hit-list, jumping naked into the dark miasmic realities of the 21st Century -- well, I‘m still reeling. OK, maybe I’m just crazy and it has nothing to do with mind-numbing theology, bad haircuts and a briefcase full of religious tracts. It could happen.

    You write very well. To write concisely and clearly is a gift. ...and writing a novel? Wow! I envy your enthusiastic industry! (I’ve finished a first draft of a novel titled: "Cockroach!") I understand your relief at being able to freely create without guilt. That can be hard for some non-JWs to understand -- they can’t fathom the self-suspicion and censorship that arises from anything "heartfelt," passionate or original. Yeah, I like reading fantasy -- since reality seems to be such a bummer. But my favorite writer-du jour is James Baldwin -- who is very "real." I guess I identify with his marginalized, gay, angry artist, outraged-by-injustice-but-enjoying-the-abundant-brittle-cutting-shards-of -beauty angst.

    Hey, I wasn’t putting your "religion/magic" down -- nor was I pursuing any iconoclastic "prize." I’m just burned out on ALL religious/spiritual brain-bangs. ...and, no, I’m not an atheist or agnostic. You could say I’m currently in a metaphysical coma. But if you’ve found something that illuminates the eternal night -- honey, go for it. Like yourself, I too am leery of proselytizing relig-o-holics. Maybe it’s just being stark-raving post JW -- but I’m reluctant to hand over my brain for a re-tooling, just yet.

    Btw, I came across the name of a mental illness called "parousiamania" -- no kidding! It’s used for people who are "ill" with the obsession of the second coming of Christ. (Jesus Crisco, is that a knock on the front door, or what! Met a few of those myself.)

    Re: the name "rabotnik." It’s Russian for "worker." I always felt like an automaton when I was a witness. Then, I was influenced by Anthony Burgess’s "A Clockwork Orange." It’s kind of Nadsat speak.

    Gotta go, SC, the wild day is calling. Hope you’re healthy, celebrating life, and finding joy amidst the "noise"! May you always be drowning in a wet, yeasty, creative milieu!


  • COMF

    Hi, 'Chelle,

    your amused and detached view of people and events is always refreshing. Welcome!


  • Angharad

    Hi Rochelle

    Glad to have you join in

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