Babylon the Great and the Anti Christ

by Perry 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice
    johnamos36 minutes agoPerry…1 Corinthians 2:14, Matt 7:6
    Matt 7:1
  • _Morpheus

    ".... that information contained in human DNA that if printed and stacked would reach halfway to the moon, created itself from rocks bumping into each other in the ocean"

    sigh. I cant. I just cant.

  • cofty
    human DNA that if printed and stacked would reach halfway to the moon

    Only a small fraction of which is functional.

    Now Perry will cite the Encore project without understanding what the authors meant by "active".

    Most of your DNA got their by copying errors like a computer keyboard with Ctrl+V stuck down.

    The proof that we evolved from non-human ancestors is on every cell in your body. Read a book FFS!

  • Clambake

    I wonder if JWs go to MIT or NASA message boards and try and hijack them with theology.

    It sure seems funny how a disportionate number of ex-JW seem to be actual scientists.

    Cofty……………… Why don’t you just Fuck off. If people want to discuss bible theology on a message board decided to people deceived by false theology.

    You are just as pompous and arrogant as the most uber elder with all your Bill Nye the science guy crap. Go away

    You are just an internet bully who needs to make himself the center of attention in every thread you touch.

  • punkofnice
    At least one of those rocks has a nice smile!

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