Do You Ever "MISS" Being A JW, Elder,...

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismembered


    Now that's funny LOL


  • minimus

    Blondie, I'll tell you the type of elder I was. I was , in the beginning a rules man. And I knew every one. Then I went through a metamorphosis and became balanced instead of rigid. I truly felt bad for the publishers because of all the impositions placed on them.

  • blondie

    minimus, pretty soon all that will be left are the 'rules' men. It requires no thinking and there is no personal responsibility. The WTS does the thinking and the elders place all the responsibility on the WTS. "I was only doing what the slave said."

  • happy man
    happy man

    I was an liberal elder in my 20 year, always trying to fight the law man, who think this smal laws was so important, never forget when we have an Co who was so angry that i dont have peopel to sitt on the first chairs when i give them addvise in school, he say if you dont obey we will putt you out from your position, I say yes do that, i dont think thisis important issu fore me,they can sitt where they want, and I was winning he gave upp.

    Then we have a very harde CO famus fore hes hardness, he started a eldermeeting widh heavy aqcusses on our young peopel, and I say to him, why you so hard to young ones, look fore this who made several konkurses it is also a sinn, but nowan care, and that was it, some time later i was told to get of, and take care of my famyli, i have two children who not was JW.

    When i read all this stuff about abuse i think it is very nice to not be an elder anymore, in our cong it is only old ones now,most of the yonuger have stepp down.

  • JWinSF

    No, no, no. Glad to be away from it. While I was an Elder, I liked being of service to the Congregation, particularly as TM School Overseer. However, that's because the rest of my life was so uninteresting. JWs do lead an antiseptic way of life. So anything remotely exciting can be pleasurable.

    Now, apart from the Organization and the position [I actually stepped down several years before DAing], the relief from removing the JW shackles is unmeasurable.

    John W Wirtanen

  • minimus

    "JW's do lead an antiseptic way of life". I never heard it said that way. Why not give examples?....( I like It!!)

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