My Dumb Ass JW Brother

by Reborn2002 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002

    As some of you know from my sharing portions of my story on this board before, I disassociated myself from the Jehovah's Witnesses in 2001. My family, including my mother, sister, and brother, remain Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I have an extremely limited relationship with my mother and sister.

    I possess no relationship whatsoever with my brother, his wife, and their now 1 yr old son.

    Well, anyway, adhering to JW doctrine, my brother did not pursue a college education, and got married at the ripe age of 23. His wife is two years younger than him (21 when they got married, dont you love JW marriages so young?)and she has no college education either. I was 7 years younger at the time and even then when I was a JW I told him he was too young, and incapable of financially providing for a family.

    Did he listen to me? No.

    He got married in 1997 and has struggled financially ever since then.

    Fast forward to now.

    He has lost two cars that were repossessed. He has moved over three times to different locations because he could not afford rent.

    Even WITH such trying financial circumstances, he had the foresight to bring a child into the world when he can barely provide for himself and his wife. When he had his firstborn son, he and I were at least still speaking. I find it ironic that he had the nerve to chastise me for not strictly following the policies of the Jehovah's Witnesses, but he did not mind asking for money.

    Out of the goodness of my heart, I gave. I hoped that one day my example of love towards him would help him see the error in his ways. I also could not live with myself knowing my nephew would do without.

    Things have changed since then. I had had enough of his condescending spiritual bullshit and in telling me I was destined for destruction and evil because I no longer practiced the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. Yet and still he did not mind asking for money.

    He assumed the responsibility of getting married, and he chose to have children. He is now 29 years old and it is high time he take care of himself. He made his bed, now he has to lay in it.

    So..with that said, we no longer speak, and I do not give him a damn dime.

    Well, I talked to my mother today on the phone, and she told me recent events that have happened with him that just amazed me. I could not believe someone could be so stupid.

    My father works for Ford Motor Company as an automation tender and makes upwards of $80,000/yr.

    Anyway, they were hiring at his local plant and he put in a good word and got my brother an interview.

    According to my mother and father, the supervisor at the Ford plant was ready to hire my brother on the spot. Today is Friday, they wanted him to start Monday.

    My brother, with no college education, a wife, a child, (NEWFLASH: his wife is pregnant AGAIN, so another on the way) TURNS THE JOB DOWN!

    Why do you ask? Because the position would have required that he work on meeting nights and on Saturday on occasion.

    This was unacceptable with his spiritual standards. He feels the need to put Jehovah first (who by the way has not answered any of his prayers and provided money that grows on trees or a cushy job out of thin air) and walks out on a job that would pay $80,000/yr.

    With no college education, a child and another on the way, and wife with no college education to care for.. he does this.

    In short, my brother is a fucking idiot.

    Even worse, when my mother was conveying this story to me, she PRAISED him for taking a spiritual stand. She said and I quote:

    Jehovah will bless his efforts. Jehovah will provide.

    I started to say what I thought, but I did not want to start an argument with her.

    Just thought I would share information on how the WT doctrine brainwashes people into stupidity.

    I needed to vent.

    PLEASE, if you are a JW reading this.. GET OUT OF THE CULT!

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 11 October 2002 18:13:26

  • kelsey007

    Maybe I live in a diferent world than some here- but I will continue to show my ignorance- Why would anyone post ugly things about their families on the internet? My mom is still a devout JW. I have my personal feelings as to some of her actions and her loyalty to the WT- but I also have a great deal of respect and love for teh woman that raised me and carried me in her womb. Again, I am baffled why anyone who sling mud at thier families in a public forum. My sister, Joanna, who died just three years ago died a JW. Even in death I would not call her a "dumb ass" for sticking to JW teachings and policy- IMHO.

    And by the way during my sisters illness and before I aided her in all ways that I could- No way did I want to keep the JW mentality of only helping if you see things my way- My aid was out of love for my family- just as I continue to do all I can for my JW mom today....

    Like I said maybe I am the "dumb igorant" one here but I do not think this is funny or righ.... I do want to be better than those I call wrong-

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 11 October 2002 18:20:24

  • Valis

    hey rebbies...he really must be a dumbass if he couldn't find another congo to got to with other days/hours....would Jehovah want him to turn down a job just because he wouldn't change congos? Now that's a Question From Readers I would like to see!!! I dare you to send it in!!!!


    District Overbeer of the "Thug" class

  • Reborn2002


    If your brother looks you in the face and says:

    It is such a shame you will be destroyed at Armaggedon for turning your back on Jehovah. I feel sorry for you, but we (referencing my entire JW family) will get over it.

    and also stating very clearly that I am to have no association with my nephew, and that he will teach him that I am "worldly" and "evil".. yet the same hypocrite will grovel to my mom for money, who in turn my mom will ask me for money, then give the money I give to her to HIM...

    This is the family I have to deal with because they remain Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Yeah, this is public forum for discussing issues that are Jehovah's Witness related.. and this entire scenario is taking place as a direct result of Jehovah's Witnesses. So yeah I would say it is related.

    Oh BTW,

    Even in death I would not call her a "dumb ass" for sticking to JW teachings and policy- IMHO.

    his wife and children are doing without because he is sticking to JW teachings.

    In my belief system, that qualifies him as a dumb ass.

    Valis, he has been attending the same congo for several years now. His wife is comfortable with all her "friends".. who dont give them any financial support coincedentally.... and my brother was recently appointed a MS.. so I suppose he feels he is setting some kind of example.. and would not want to have to start over his organizational ladder climb elsewhere.


    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 11 October 2002 18:22:13

  • kelsey007

    Like I said reborn- maybe I live in a dif world than some here.... just my thoughts- it's your family and your situation. I personaly try to apporach my family situation in a way that might help them see things diferently- but to each his own...

  • larc

    Reborn, what a very sad story. I bet it really tears at you to see such a disaster unfold. Your brother still could have made the Sunday meetings, gone in field service on some Saturdays and every Sunday. Since he would be missing week night meetings, I assume that he would be working the evening shift. He could have spent the day time hours in field service as a pioneer. He could have had the week day meetings taped and listened to them at home. Since he didn't think of this, perhaps he has a great big lazy streak that he hides with his religiosity. He sounds like a dead beat to me. One other thing that makes me think this is his willingness to ask you for money, even though he condemns you. If he was true to his beliefs, he would not accept money from an apostate. Seems pretty hypocritical.

  • imanaliento

    it must be agonizing for you to listen to your mom talk about your brother and to hear him be so lazy. maybe you can mention to your mom the scripture in 1 Tim 5:8 if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, he has disowned the FAITH and IS WORSE than a person without faith.

    take care of yourself, you are not your brothers keeper. we are here to listen.

  • larc


    This is the perfect place to vent about family problems. The family won't see it, and others here can offer support and advice. I have done it myself and I am glad I did. For me, and others, it is a good thing to do. I am glad for you that you do not have a need to do so. Perhaps, your relationship with your family is healthier than others, or perhaps you are better at handling the conflict and frustration than others. I don't know. In Reborn's case, it must be very difficult to watch a blood brother's live go down the drain.

  • kelsey007

    BTW reborn I am not saying that the things you state are not true and very upsetting to you. As to my own personal circumstances I have endured some of the same conduct by JW loved ones. Though I may find them to be "dumb or stupid" in behaviour I still would not share such stroong words in public. I hope that one day- by my conduct and expample even my 50 year old cousin- who sounds much like your brother- would come to his senses. I remember well those that tolerated my behaviour as a JW and how they exercised patience and it was thier unfaltering love for me that finally helped me see the light- God bless them for not giving up on me! And not condemning me in public-

  • pettygrudger

    It is amazing how they can ask for money while at the same time juding you as "spiritually" dead. I know I have had similar situations w/my family. I had to work my *ss off to get where I am, as until I left the JW's "education" was not a priority either. Now that I'm able to make due for my family, I'm judged for putting "possessions & material things" over my relationship with God. But, when the chips are down, guess who has to "honor" the family & help out.

    Never ceases to amaze me.

    I'm sorry for the pain you're experiencing Reborn. I hope it gets better.

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