JW's knowledgeable in details

by jurs 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    No Larc, your not an ass for having views and thoughts your an ASS for being condensending and a puffed up know it all. You asked ne "Do you know who they(Essens) were and their contribution to us today?" Well I don't know what that has to do with this subject and I don't care for the way you talk down to me like I'm stupid but do tell me oh wise one who the Essens are. I'm dying to be enlightened by your brilliance. Being such a worldly traveler , was it Georgia? and having false info like you I'd be suspicious too and trust the vast knowledge you've had as a JW rather than a tour guide . You said you've never seen views I've expressed and presented so far................. um perhaps its because you were once a witness and didn't look further than your kingdom hall library. You also said you looked at ONE website. There are too many to count. But your too pompous to admit you may not know all there is to know so I'd advise you not too look because you might squirm. Lark, by chance were you once an elder ? You strike me as an elder sort.


  • larc


    I have been out of the religion longer than you have lived. No, I was never an elder because I left before the elder arrangement began. I find it unfortunate that you perceive me as pompous because I express my opinion along with some information. I am not going to spend the time to tell you about the Essens, and what they gave us, but they did live in caves. Actually, they lived in mounton top villages and hid important docuements in nearby caves. Now, don't you just get it. Most people back then, lived in villages. Don't ya know there was just not enough caves to go around, and people found comfort in having their own home with separate rooms for separate purposes, much like today. Think about it.

  • jurs

    Lark, I just went back and reread your statements. You did not believe that anyone lived in caves at that time. You were WRONG. John the baptist lived in a cave. Mary lived in a cave. Jesus was born in a cave. You wanted proof. I gave it to you, but you chose to read only one website. I feel bad because (no offense) you must be quite old.

    and I'm not the sort that talks with such disrespect to someone older. I guess I don't expect older ones on the web. Sorry to call you an ass. Now all the steam has left me and it really doesn't seem all that important. Jurs

  • larc


    I don't know what you mean by quite old. I am 62 and my wife is 61. We were married in the Kingdom Hall, then faded away together. I will eventually read your other references and give my comment. Now, first off, I did not say that no one lived in caves. I said that most people did not. Now, I think it would be hard to prove that any particular person, 2,000 years ago lived in a cave, but I will check out your references.

  • jurs

    Lark if you look at the post where you start off "Not too be too detailed minded" you wen t on to say you didn't believe people lived in caves in those days. You know what it doesn't matter. Its intersting trivia to those that like that sort of thing. jurs

  • larc


    OK, perhaps I overstated the case, and implied that no one lived in caves. As I have said since then, a few may have lived in caves, I will grant you that, but the majority of the populace lived in houses, or, they lived in tents, if they were nomads.

  • TheOldHippie

    "Jesus and his father were carpenters not of wood but stone"

    Thiede discusses this in his book "Eyewitness to Jesus" (commented on in two WTs), as part of the basis for pointing to the fact that both Jesus and Joseph worked for the Romans and were well trained in the Greek language, which was then the world language. The word seemingly means something like constructors, and at the time was used for those constructing pillars and elements for aquaducts etc.

  • Navigator

    Hey Guys! It really isn't worth it!. The operative word was TRIVIA! That having been said, I have learned to be more than a little suspicious of information put out by tour guides. Even when they get it right, it is often heard incorrectly by their listeners. If you go to Jerusalem today, the tour guides will show you a very small gate in the old wall called the "eye of the needle"and tell you that this is the gate that Jesus referred to when he used the illustration of how hard it is for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven. The truth, however, is that, in aramaic, the root word for hemp (rope) and camel is the same. The greeks who were translating the original story in aramaic mistranslated the word as camel instead of rope. What the hell! Tour guides have to make a living too, I guess.

  • TheOldHippie

    Strange, isn't it, that them there tour guides after having completed their three-days course know way more than have theologians and scholars been able to mass together for centuries .................

  • Perry

    I have also been impressed with the knowledge that an average practicing christian has. I was told that christendom only produced sad sap idiots. That is totally unfounded according to my experience.

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