Isn't the tie a phallic symbol

by hippikon 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • hippikon

    I seem to remember reading somewhere that the tie is a phallic symbol. Can anybody shed any light on that.

    If this is so it should go the way of beards, birthdays, the cross, rock music, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

    Or perhaps I should get a bigger tie

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I never heard that one Hippikon,
    Interesting thought. Could be.

  • somebody

    Hi hippikon,

    I'm not sure that ties are a phallic symbol, but I do know that ties came into existence as the direct result of a war. So you are right that it should go the way in which the "society" views beards, rock music, birthdays and such. Wedding bands should too, for that matter. calenders too! the list goes on and on.


  • Gopher

    Hippikon & others,

    We have the Croatians to thank for the tie. Somebody is right. The tie was spread by soldiers. The linked site below has a few more details, FYI.


    Gopher (Who hasn't worn a tie for months, now)

  • hippikon

    Hah I just knew they were evil

  • zev

    There goes my idea to grow a beard.

    Sitting on the Wrong Side of the Fence Class

  • logical

    Makes me wonder why mushrooms havent been banned by the society

  • LovesDubs

    Pretty much anything that is, or has the ability to become, stiff, can be construed as a phallic symbol I believe. So after a few egg breakfasts, your tie, too, can become a phallic symbol I honestly can say I have never had tielaccio. If you have self image problems regarding your own tie, perhaps you can look into tie implants?

  • somebody


    That's funny, because here is the reason that I said that I don't know if I'd call ties a "phallic" symbol, and threw the *wink* in.

    phal*lic (adjective)

    First appeared 1789

    1 : of or relating to phallicism <a ~ cult>

    2 : of, relating to, or resembling a phallus

    phal*lus (noun), plural phal*li or phal*lus*es

    [Latin, from Greek phallos penis, representation of the penis; probably akin to Latin flare to blow -- more at BLOW]

    First appeared circa 1613

    1 : a symbol or representation of the penis

    2 : PENIS


    I don't think ties have to do with cults, and I don't think they are a symbol of, or represent a penis either. Unless..... <delete>...ah..nevermind.

    and thanks for the url, Gopher.

    what do beards represent? if you grew a beard and were"counseled" for it, what would be the reason you'd be told that it's not a good thing to do?

  • zev

    The reason is simple. It is NOT bible based. Its how man [local pawns=elders and elderetes] views it in the local congregation. I did do research on this years ago. Not only, I believe did the borg have little to say on the subject, the bible says nothing about it. Its based purely on local custom and what the |"man" believe to be acceptable in the local house of kult worship. And after having started to grow one at one point, I can tell you I was viewed dimly and given much ridicule by the r&f. It wasn't very loving. The only way I can grow one now is to grow it in the closet. The beard I mean

    Sitting on the Wrong Side of the Fence Class

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