Curious JW Insurance salesman...

by cognitivedizzy 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cognitivedizzy
    Found this interesting

    A week ago...

    Recently I had a brother who does life insurance for a living call me to see if I was interested in a offering, Since I was keen on taking up a insurance policy for my 1 year old daughter for her education purpose 20 years down the line I told him that he can come over,

    Fast forward today

    He comes over with his Manager (not a jdub) and we have a long chat about the various long term insurance plans... I found it very strange that a guy who believes that the world end is imminent would be so keen on selling me a policy with a tenure of 20 to 25 years .. in my mind , I'm thinking " Is he serious ?? "

    Well after I agree to buy a policy for my child and specifically stating that its for her future education to pursue whatever higher education she likes, The Manager encourages me saying " that's amazing , cos of education will increase in the future so on etc "... BTW I live in a developing country when education is NOT free...

    So I'm done with all the paper works and the manager leaves, So its just me and the brother ( who is a MS by the way )

    I asked him, doe she really think I made a good choice paying for a expensive insurance plan for 20 years with good returns considering the end was so near..he was DUMBSTRUCK I aksed the question, he took a moment and hesitated and said this !!!!

    he was like "I don't ever think the world will end anytime soon "

    Do I sense another dissenter .... perhaps a fellow man.... I'm excited :)
  • fastJehu

    He know the rules.

    NO 2 witness for his "I don't ever think the world will end anytime soon ".

    SO he can say whatever he think is GOOD for his business

  • DesirousOfChange

    "I don't ever think the world will end anytime soon "

    If you judge JWs by their actions, it is evident that none of them believe The End(TM) is really near. They've all just got "one foot in the door".............just in case. Otherwise, they are busy with social activity, vacations, funding their 401(k), saving for a new car/house/furniture/etc.

    No urgency like tomorrow is the end.


  • joe134cd
    Yup another person just going through the motions.
  • FayeDunaway
    Don't say anything rash. A wink during the watchtower or public talk would be ok tho. Like after an elder says 'we are in the last SECONDS of the last minutes of the time of the end!!!'
  • sir82

    I suspect that well over 80% of JWs, deep deep deep down inside, know that "the end" is not coming in their lifetime.

    I suspect that of that 80%, probably half don't think it is coming in anyone's lifetime.

    So why do they stay? "Where else would we go?"

  • Vidiot

    @ DesirousOfChange...

    Assuming they even know about it, that realization must piss off the GB to no end.

  • fastJehu

    Assuming they even know about it, that realization must piss off the GB to no end.

    The GB itself not believe the end is just around the corner. Otherwise they would not build warwick (they started many years ago). All the construction helpers could do field service instead of building a new headquarter.

  • Vidiot
    Well, they have effectively stated that Little Watchtowistan is expected be the de facto planetary capital in the "New System".
  • Crazyguy
    Just shows when push comes to shove they want the money more. He told you this because he wants his commission.

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