Watchtower says "Do not bear CHILDREN"

by Beans 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Beans

    Can you believe these Quotes,

  • blondie

    Yes, Beans, I noticed too that those suggestions always come when the WTS is harping on a specific date for the time of the end 1914, 1925, 1941, 1975. It is not emphasized as much today because the WTS is afraid to give a specific date. Besides, if JWs hadn't been having children over the last 25 years, there would have been little increase in many countries.

    Edited by - Blondie on 6 October 2002 17:13:50

  • Dutchie

    When I was a little girl attending the meetings there was a former Circuit Overseer in our congregation and his wife used to always carry around a little plastic doll with her. Obviously, since he was past child bearing age she was mouning the fact that she never had children, but wanted them desperately. She did not appear disturbed. In every other way she seemed to be a very nice woman, outwardly happy always smiling.

    Inside though she must have been completely destroyed. By obeying the dictates of the Watchtower organization she had given up her chance to have the children she wanted.

  • Robdar


    That story is so sad.

    I was afraid to have children with the end being so near. Thank God, back then birth control pills were not as potent as they are now. I am so pleased that they didn't work and I got pregnant. The blessings of having a son have been more than I could ever imagine.

    I feel so sad for this CO's wife. I hope that when she looks back on her life and what could have been had she not listened to the idiots in Brooklyn, that she isn't too bitter.



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When I got pregnant the first ime in 1972 my mother yelled at me because the end was so near.

    Got yelled at agian in 1976 for the second child too.

    Not too sure just what I was supposed to do about it once I was already pregnant

    I knew many older sisters who put off having children until after Armagedon. Many of them were well past child-bearing age when Iknew they. Some of them died waiting for the new system to arrive so they could have their families.

    Sounds like that sister had her own little protest going - how sad

  • Dutchie

    Yes, it is sad.

    I forgot to mention that she didn't just carry the doll around, but she actualy cradled it in her arms the same way a mother does to a new born baby. It was wrapped in a blanket.

  • Joyzabel

    How sad Dutchie.

    Hubby and I left Bethel to start a family in 1976 after I saw many of the older women there, especially branch overseerers' wives, not handling the "change" and being barren. Otherwise, I was one of those that were going to wait until after Armageddon. I am so glad we didn't wait. I guess hubby and I have been bucking the system for a long time, just didn't wake up fully until last year. doh!


  • Robdar


    That is sadder still.



  • minimus

    Childbearing was strongly discouraged even in ,I believe 1988 in a Watcthtower that spoke of all the negatives of having children.

  • avengers
    Fathers can share the responsibility of keeping children quiet during meetings

    by beating the crap out of them.

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