To All those on REINCARNATION thread

by RavynX 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • RavynX

    risking the flames of the ignorant, let me suggest some reading for all you awakening humans who I have come to love:

    do a search on John Edward, he has a site but I am not sure if it is or .org, and he is also on the sci-fi channel(cable tv in USA) and has a site on their page too.
    I recommend getting one of his books and watching his show. He is a channeler. He is NOT a circus act or a side show.

    and I dont really care if anyone has a negative critique of him, becoz I know what I believe now that I am free to believe it, so dont waste your time flaming. I did not post this for anyone but the ones on the REINCARNATION thread who seem to be sincerely searching.

    I have always had experiences with psychic senses. From an early age I have watched as my toys and stuffed animals were burned because I was 'demonized'. I have heard earthquakes minutes before they hit,I have heard the phone ring before itactually did, I have had 'dreams' of people I did not know and then met them shortly afterward(and these people have also 'known' me when we did meet and expressed similar 'dreams' beforehand), I have seen disasters and death, I can tell if a woman is pregnant. All these 'talents' I was told to suppress and keep quiet about by my father so I would not get into trouble. His explanation was that I was 'special' and most rank-and-file J-Ws would not understand. boy was he correct on that one!
    All these talents and gifts led me to the 'if-you-cant-beat-em-join-em' attitude when I did leave the BORG and I first studied witchcraft. Since then I have studied various traditions of paganism and also gnosticism, hermeticism, and Mormonism. I know the basics about Hinduism and Buddhism and their comcepts of reincarnation. Interestingly, Mormons have a decent explanation for reincarnation even tho they do not believe in more than one incarnation of the body per spirit. They believe that while we get one chance as a human body, we have planned out the whole experience with our Father first, and chosen who we will be born to, who we will meet, etc...all the while watching our spirit brothers and sisters do their thing and taking temporary bodies at times to help them out!
    I KNOW I have been here before. I fell like this could have been my last time, but I have missed some opportunites and with my current health problems, I may have to come back and finish things up. I am not happy about that.
    Well if anyone wants to email me for more info or discussion please do, I really am having serious health problems right now and I don't feel like dealing with nasty, negative energies on any boards that will cut into what time I may have left in this life.
    Englishman! have a guinness for me bud! or a Bass...< my favorite

  • riz


    I have witnessed John Edward in action also and I have a hard time believing his insights are a hoax. For those of us who have lost a vital person in our lives, it is comforting to be reassured that somewhere out there in the vast expansion of the universe we can still somehow connect with our loved ones, be it through a spirit medium or just feeling their presence around us. Even if people think we are kidding ourselves about our ideas, believing in this brings us a sense of peace so I say keep believing and don't pay attention to those who mock. I wish you all the best, Ravyn. You are in my thoughts and I hope to hear more from you in the future.


  • eyes_opened

    Hey there!

    I LOVE John Edwards. My hubby and I watch him almost every night. There is no way in the world he is a hoax. He just gives to much information that he could have no way of knowing otherwise. He seems like a really caring guy too. I give hime a thumbs up


  • Undecided

    Hi Ravyn,

    I'm sorry about your illness. Hope you get better. I don't know anything about your gift of knowing things that seem impossible. I will reserve my comments until I learn more about such things. The older I get the more I realize I don't know much at all for sure. I guess anything may be possible, since there is so much we can't know except by your own expierence. I guess this includes the fundie type of thinking. So much of it seems to be in our own minds, which can be deceiving. See why my screen name is Undecided?


    Ken P.

  • trevor

    RavynX - thanks for sharing,

    It is a shame that you are unwell but as you suspect perhaps
    you have completed what you came here to do. A gift like yours
    should not be dismissed by those who have no personal experience of such
    matters. Our experience and emotion is our own truth and collectively becomes
    reality - such is life.

  • RedhorseWoman

    RavynX, thank you for the info...and the confirmation of special gifts and the belief that there is truly more to this life than that which is palpable.

    I've never seen any of John Edwards' shows (no cable), but I've listened to radio segments with Suzanne Northrup, and the things that were brought out were truly amazing.

    I'll have to check out the websites. There is so much to investigate. I've wasted too much time.

  • rem

    I saw a Dateline special a few months back about John Edwards. He was thoroughly trashed as a fraud on it. They caught him on tape talking to the people he was supposed to be cold reading before the session, milking information from them. When the Dateline reporter confronted him and showed the video tape, he was (for once) speechless.

    There is absolutely nothing amazing about this man - except that he does have a talent for asking the right questions. His method was exposed - he asks general, vague questions. If he get's it wrong, he moves to another question, if he gets a hit he continues - finally, the person he is reading volunteers more and more information. He also works in other ways ("I'm seeing the letter K"). It just so happens one of the people in the audience had a pin on her blouse with the letter K on it. Obviously it was the initial of someone important to her. He worked that angle until he got enough information out of her to dazzle the audience. The whole trick is that everyone forgets all of the misses and remembers the hits. He actually gets a lot of things wrong, but no one remembers them because they want to believe he has special powers.

    The show was really great. The thing you have to understand is that this man and many others are making A LOT OF MONEY. His caring act makes him money and gains him followers. He's just a magician doing tricks, but he makes people believe that it is something more than a trick.

    I've recommended some books in the "I think that I chose my parents" thread that totally expose the charlitans for what they are - frauds. I think they might be an eye openner to a lot of people.


  • RedhorseWoman
    I've recommended some books in the "I think that I chose my parents" thread that totally expose the charlitans for what they are - frauds. I think they might be an eye openner to a lot of people.

    I appreciate your listing these references, Rem. I have a couple of them, and I've already read a couple of them. In many cases there are definitely scientific explanations for paranormal phenomena.

    There are also many things that have happened to me personally that I can't fit nicely into a scientific slot. Perhaps eventually I will, but at the moment I'm having a hell of a good time investigating whatever intrigues me.....paranormal or not.

    I'm not out preaching to anybody, or trying to convince anyone to believe as I do, but rather I'm enjoying the opportunity to explore where I want.

    Just one question. Why do those who espouse the religion of science develop as rabid a conversion style as JWs in many cases? Is there some sort of punishment awaiting those who like to tinker in other areas?

  • Esmeralda
    Why do those who espouse the religion of science develop as rabid a conversion style as JWs in many

    Bravo, Redhorsewoman! This is the point I was trying to make (badly, I think LOL) in the other

    I extend that past science to anyone with a specific, strong opinion who have been JW's
    in the past: they seem to carry that "I'm right, anyone who disagrees doesn't know the facts"
    way of thinking.

    Life is all about respect and tolerance...the topic matters little. Without respect, there
    can't be an effective exchange of ideas.

    I always enjoy your posts :)


    The Four Agreements:
    Be Impeccable With Your Word
    Don't Take Anything Personally
    Don't Make Assumptions
    Always Do Your Best

  • JanH

    I sometimes wished I was unscrupulous enough to exploit all this superstition and gullibility. Those who are, makes a fortune. There must be one born every second, at least.

    It's called "cold reading". A few simple tricks used by conjurers since the dawn of time. And it still works today, in the space age. People want to believe. Desperately! Especially those who grieve over a lost one desperately cling to the idea that these charlatans can bring them back to answer vague questions. And then the charlatans laugh all the way to the bank.

    See (scroll down a bit)

    Quoth James Randi,

    And why do I make such a huge fuss over such a carnival act as Edward? Because he, and the other "readers" who plague the public currently, are trading in grief. The bereaved who stand helplessly before these operators, tears streaming down their cheeks as they're fed bits of lotus, are being lied to and victimized. People like Edward use them and discard them. They turn their sobs into dollars. And no agency of the government will step in to stop this cruel, heartless racket.

    See for more about the art of cold reading. Be a bit better armed the next time you watch this show. Of course, true believers will never check the facts. Like a true JW will never check if the quotations in the Watchtower book is honest, a true believer in the paranormal will never allow himself to critically examine his or her icon of superstition. "Don't confuse me with facts!" is the battle cry I hear in this thread. Sorry. No go.

    - Jan
    "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen"
    -- Albert Einstein

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