Can I visit Brooklyn HQ?

by Max Divergent 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeannie

    Hey Max..when you do come to can get my number from Bill and we can meet up..I live about 1/2 hr from Bethel...Need a touring partner..let me know...I am so in the mood to go to Bethel and run into some of the boys....jeannie

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Hey, thanks all - that's really great! I was presuming that if you said you were a Bro they may check up on you via the congo, but maybe not?? So maybe I'll announce I'm visiting from the Gutarealliph Congo, or maybe Lambside Junction would be better... oh, no they're not dumb just misled... Shall I just put on an accent and say I'm from Truth and Consequences, Az?

    I'm really excited about this! And thanks Jeannie, might just do that...

    Cheers, Max

  • unclebruce

    quote:", to 'share a meal' with 'the HQ family' would be an interesting life experience... "

    like yeah ... phhhht!

    g'day Max,

    I've often wondered about you since you did that psyco-anal-arses of my first posts on the nett at h20 (i'm not one quick to forget ;) it freaked me a bit at the time .. you were quite accurrate in describing my personallity but the buddy buddy h20 elitism displayed in talking about me but not to me was weird lol.

    all the best max, have a good trip (i'd prefer to be photographed piss'n on the CTR pyramid myself) ah.. a man's gotta dream..


  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    G'Day unclebruce - Wow! Nice to be remembered, but I'm not so sure that's a good reason for it :-(

    I'm searching back in my mind, and realising to my horror that's exactly what I did. That was not good, no, that was very bad. I'm sorry to have spoken like that.

    Are you still on the property? It always sounded a fantasitc place! We've moved from the city to the Kimberley and really have little desire to return!! Fantastic country around here. We're on the edge of town and look out to a National Park on one side and scrub on the other which suits us well.

    The main purpose of the trip is to go to India, but the fare there was so similar to the Round the World fare that we decided to go that way instead. I'm going to Washington to go to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum and a few other places, but NYC was a freebie flight so I thought 'why not'!

    Thanks for saying Hi.

    Cheers, Max

    Edited by - Max Divergent on 5 October 2002 12:4:34

  • unclebruce

    LOL Max,

    Yeah, i was just a green newby and h20 was an intimidating place to walk into off the street (not as bad as the pubs at Port Adelaide butt ;)

    A couple from the Kimberly are holidaying on a neighbours property so i've heard a bit about there lately. (they work for outward bound up there) I thought going without TV for a year was bad .. they're catholic and haven't even heard of Father Ted lol.

    Wow .. from the most remote city in the world to the most remote place in aust. Telstra just ran a phone line to my place .. 10k out of town and overlooking the beach and they recon i'm in the wilderness lol .(it is pretty unique)

    here's wishing you a great trip max. unc

    ps: about 10 years ago, my young sister Angela married some thickhead Elder in Perth.

  • DannyBear


    How about sending me an email with your new phone number?

    Sometimes a bear just has to growl outloud.


  • dannyboy


    i'd prefer to be photographed piss'n on the CTR pyramid myself

    RAFLMAO. Hope the lights are off.


  • unclebruce

    dear dunnybrush,

    for me to send you an email i'd need an email adress myself right? (you can see the uni education's pay'n off already ;) I will contact you mr bear (this is just another flying trip to see the young'ns) all i can remmember is my new number starts with 0264 lol (ten new phone no's in five years has finally fliped me out)

    clocks struck 4 .. bedtime for this cheeky galah ol' cobber .. catch ya in the forest

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