Important announcement about Englishman

by TruckerGB 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel

    To Englishman and Christina,

    What wonderful news. Congratulations!

    Hubby's three sons have made me a grandma three times in the past couple of years. The next one, a boy (Nicholas) is due Jan. 31st. The newest, Seth, was born on Sept. 12th. That will make two girls and two boys. We are living close enough to one of his sons, to be able to have regular visits, usually every Sunday afternoon.

    Having grandchildren is so different than raising your own kids. You will really enjoy this phase of your life............and hey, it's just the beginning.

    Best Wishes!


  • jst2laws

    Her Ladyship,

    Congrats to Granny too.

    I've looked out some old baby photos of Simon and sent them to his girlfriend. That should put her off!

    How about sending her a copy of the picture of you in the bunny suit. "That should put her off!"

    Remember, nothing is to interfere with the visit next April. If need be, have the kids meet you both her, half way for each couple, and we will do the delivery. Wouldn't that be a party!!


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