"Silent Witnesses" now available to w...

by Simon 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I've added the Australian "Silent Witnesses" programme to the media files on the site.


    This is a very powerful programme !

    The sound is a bit low so I'll have another go at encoding it better. Also, for some reason it wouldn't play on one PC but worked Ok on the other ... let me know if you have problems.

    Please forgive the more 'direct appeal for donations' on the media page - these things tend to eat up the bandwidth a lot more then other stuff.

  • professor

    I find it incredible how each report from different parts of the world all tell the same story. And yet the Society still lies about its policies and tries to deny what it has been doing.

    Thanks for providing this, Simon.

  • happysunshine

    Wow. That was hard to watch. I had tears of anger after Simon's story.

  • zev

    thank you simon.

    i downloaded this to watch tonight with Gwen.

    you are a great person providing something that allot of us could not see!

    thank you again!

  • Prisca

    Thanks Simon for your efforts in getting this program online.

  • Simon

    You're welcome.

    Again, if anyone wants to download a HQ (near VHS) version then email me and I'll conenct you up to my FTP server. It's on two 125Mb files.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Wow...thanks so much Simon....great to see so much of Melbourne

    I thought the show was superb....and some incredible stories reported. I will email this to my jw sister who was asking me about the show...hopefully she will download and watch it.

    Thanks again.


    ps...I just noticed the commercials for Sydney are different to ours

    Edited by - beck_melbourne on 2 October 2002 8:46:43

  • Scully

    Thank you Simon & Angharad!

    I watched the programme and I'm just amazed at the similarities between Dateline & Panorama. Names and faces have changed, but the overwhelming blatant disregard for the victims' welfare by the elders and the WTS "for the sake of the good news" remains the same.

    Hats off to Natalie Webb and Simon Thomas for their courage in sharing their accounts with the whole world. I hope you've found a measure of peace of mind and healing in sharing your burdens with us.

    Love, Scully

  • Simon

    BTW: Ozzie deserves the thanks for this - he had a lot to do with getting the programme done and got the tape to me!

    (My TV Arial just wouldn't pick up the signal, no matter where I made Angharad stand on the roof with it )

  • Sentinel

    Thank you Simon.

    More proof that these are not just isolated cases.


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