Do Jehovah's Witnesses turn God away from you

by kenpodragon 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon


    I have seen it too. Both ways though, with the other party trying to control who my friends are. Very upsetting when you figure it out though. I was more applying it to the manipulating elders do with people relationship with their God on this though. Just as frustrating and hurtful too. Makes me sad to see what they do, and I don't even believe in Jehovah anymore. I still believe in love though.

    Take Care


  • nita6368


    Awesome post once again...Your wisdom shines through your words. I agree with you that when we are not living by rigid rules that we are unable to keep we become less judgemental and we take offense less. We are more empathetic and forgiving when we are not judged so critically. Life becomes enjoyable and not just existing and thats what is all about.

  • LyinEyes

    I think as an active JW, the WT took God away from us. I am not sure if Jesus is God, or if Jesus is the son of God, or if they are the same. But in what ever way God, is the role of Jesus was so down played that I see it now as nothing less than disrespectful. We were told not pray to Jesus, not to worship Jesus , when the scriptures say that Stephan prayed to Jesus. We were told Jesus was not our mediator, only the anointed's. How then could we even approach God, even if we prayed in Jesus name, since he was not our mediator?

    Now that I am away from JW, I blame them for my lack of belief and faith in God as I once had. It is true it was based on many lies, but when I was a JW I thought what I was taught was the right way. Now I see how wrong they were, I don't know where to turn really, I just hope God, Jesus or who ever is up there, will understand our confusion here on earth and I believe He really does feel for us. But that just shows you what abuse of power the WT has used, and how it has taken God from us.

  • Beck_Melbourne
    I was more applying it to the manipulating elders

    I know, I go off on a tangent sometimes and I have a tendancy to overlook the point of the thread in my enthusiasm for an unrelated thought. I'm very good at falling back into line though

    Makes me sad to see what they do

    ME too!!

    and I don't even believe in Jehovah anymore

    ME either!!

    I still believe in love though

    I know, even in a hostile climate you do not retaliate unkindly. Don't ever change.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I can understand that ex-jws don't believe in 'jehovah', because that god is only imaginary. But to say you believe in love but not God simply exposes a language difficulty.

    Yes, unfortunately jws eat the food meant for the sheep - that's the trait of goats.


    Edited by - a paduan on 2 October 2002 6:41:50

  • Shakita

    The JW organization has opened the way for me to question the existence of God. Not only has the JW organization opened the way for me to question the existence of God himself, but I question the Bible as being the "word of God". Look, I am no scholar. I speak from the heart. I always say "I'm from Missouri, Show Me!" Show me a God of Love, an almighty and powerful being who loves his children enough to stop their pain and suffering. The Bible is full of pain and suffering. All in the name of God. But wait, "in just a little time", all the pain and suffering will end. But, first I will throw down to the earth some really bad angels to inflict more pain and suffering upon my beloved children. And this is to prove that I alone have the right to be your one and only father. What kind of father does this to his beloved children? In my own case, I'm still waiting for a reply to my prayers. All I have received from him in response, is stony silence.

    Sorry I ranted. This subject gets me going sometimes. I thank you for letting me vent on your thread, it's good therapy. Have a nice day!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • kenpodragon

    A Paduan

    I should clarify. I do not believe in the Christian God. I do not see God as a person. I do not even like the term God. I call the energy of life, Spirit. Spirit to me is the essence of love.

    Take Care


  • grace4u


    Shunning makes me sick! I have never been a JW, but my sister is, and she has shunned her whole family because we don't believe the same way, and I am from "the Devil". OOOOHHHH I think it is most destructive for the shunned(me-I'm thinking, isn't everyone a sinner?why can't you even talk to me?) AND for the shunner(?)surely she can't feel good about that what she's doing??? I'd like to know how any of you ex-JW felt when you had shunned someone. Did you feel like God was telling you in your heart that it wasn't right?

    All I can say -from my own life experiences- is that Jesus is all forgiving. No matter what I have done, if I repent, He always welcomes me back with great love. Why do I repent? Because He breathes down my back about the things I do that are wrong, and until then, I feel awful and I don't feel good about it. When I go to Him, He is always there to listen, and says He still loves me, try better next time. Then obedience comes into the picture. I don't WANT to do things wrong, but do the things HE wants me to, then He is so faithful to me, and I can always count on His guidance. A RELATIONSHIP with Christ is what God is after, not a RELIGION or CHURCH. I have certainly learned that hard lesson.

    Just my small bit of opinion!!


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